beppe75 They look awesome man

when they're praying to the flower God then u know ur doing something ryt lol...i love how its looking..they r gonna perform well I'm sure of it.....i have to hook up my water lines and feed lines today and ill post some updates on my first grow with them also..i will say i have not had yellowing issues in years until i hit the Cobs lol..but like i said i can live with "our lights r too strong" lol
just gotta master when to dim and when to raise,and experience is the best teacher of all..even better then written studies IMO..
I'm loving the uniformity of the canopy,keep it up..they r stretching good,that was something i was concerned about a tad because of the different grows online using Cobs...I am building my Supplemental Bars this week and gonna throw them on one side of my room and leave the other side with just the we can see what added UVA -IR-Deep Red monos can bring to the it'll be fun just building some shit haha.I see Growmau5 is doing pretty much the same thing with his Canopy10 {DIY} light..If you haven't seen it go look at it,pretty ya brother keep an eye on the calcium and mag...i know i have really been having i had to cut back on the phosphorous also,so i cut Mammoth P out for a week or two...@day 14 they look beautiful bro,i am So Happy for u,I can feel the Positive energy all the way on this side of the updating brother,Im all the way in for the ride..hey i was wanting to tell u if u haven't already heard of them u should check out "The Dude Grows Show"...Its a podcast,and I've been a member since the beginning, and I donate every month ,but you DONT have too at all..It's a online mini micro community and its just really a lot of love, and peace there

..i think u might enjoy it..Figured I'd throw it in the air in case u never heard of em..Well keep it rocking man week 3 here now for ya..Are u hitting the girls with any PK Boosters or no?
Okay bro gotta get my ass up and moving ,take dogs out and start my day,I'll post my updates later on my Journal..Till next time stay green,and Peace and Love brother