one plant help please

hi guys, i am very new to this and am looking for some help. i have tried to do some research but can't find a step by step guide on how to grow just one plant in my bedroom. i would like to grow an AK 47 plant. could someone please tell me the specifics for growing this one plant. box size, eventual plant size, type of light, veg time, flower time, fan size etc. thanks.



Well-Known Member
Hows it goin, I think there is a thread in the newbie section of grow vids. If you have the time you might want to start watching.
The queation your asking is way too broad and time consuming for most but if you read and watch and then come
with specific questions you will get lots of help. Hell someone may still post a better answer here ya never know.
Good luck. I will go find then post a link to the vids.

There are also other stickies in the newbie section you will want to check out.
cheers mate. i did watch jorge cervantes ultimate grow last night and found it really informative. i geuss the main thing i don't understand is the type of lights i would need for veg and flower. could they be the same or do i need two different ones? also i read some places to keep the light really close as the plant grows and others saying that one in the top of the box will be ok?? so i am a bit confused! also, some saying to have lights on the side of the box aswell as the top and others just above. as already said, confusing lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah it`s a bunch of info all at once.
I guess we need to know your grow are dimensions, your budget and if oder and noise are a major concern.
Honestly If I was just gonna run 1 plant in a closet I would go get a small t5 and put both veg and flower bulbs in it.
I would put a smoll fan in there to keep air moving. Paint the walls with some cheapoi flat white paint. With those lights you will not generate a bunch of heat. If you needed more light you could add cfl`s later. Anyway other than a feeding schedule that is where I would start. But you may have another direction so I will stop. Please understand I`m just one opinion and you might want to wait for more confusion, lol

I would veg it until it was about 12 inches then switch to 12/12 then add some cfl to make up
for the lack of penetration of the t5 and expect it to get 2-2/12 feet tall I would guess.

Or you could get a small hps and run it all the way from veg to flower with that.

Or you could use mh for veg then hps for flower.

With the hid comes more heat if that is a major concern

Really how much you want to invest is an issue but after the initial investment you own it.

t5 and cfl you put very close once the plant is established like a few inches
hid lighting will require more distance. The light you buy will have recomendations in the paperwork.
If not google will get them.

Next you have to decide on a soil or soilless mix.
I like to use a good organic soil and I add ver4y little to it. Mostly water in veg would be safe.
A bit of fert at 1/4 strength maybe one time once the plant is going strong.

I would transplant before going to flower and switch to a flowering fert and use it the same way.

I think it will serve you well to underdo things. You are almost assured to get soem good bud that way.

Clones or seeds will also make a difference so That is an important part of this equation.


Don't use cardboard or any paper material. You could come home to ashes and then try to explain to your parents that you were growing weed thats why there house burnt down.

The Count

Well-Known Member
One plant? Not trying to be a debby downer but you're gonna have to do a lot of work/research to pull a z or 2 every 3-4 months? I'd use a T5 for veg but to make it worth it I'm pretty sure you're going to need a 250W HID for flower. Never used a T5 for anything but veg but they may work for flower but I wouldnt expect a whole lot for yield