Ok to remove fan leaves?


Active Member
Hey, I was just wondering if it's ok to remove a couple of fan leaves without consequences? I'm about 3 weeks into flower? Just need some more light to other bud sites.. Thanks x


Well-Known Member
don't go silly on them and maybe spread it over 3days like take some now then give that plant a day or so to get over it. you don't want them to hermie on you ;-)


Active Member
Not sure, have heard both sides on this issue. I have heard and know it is ok to remove fan leaves... but also heard that the fan leaves, when at optimal performance, will absorb more light allowing more energy to the buds.


Active Member
try tucking them underneath the buds or spreading the plants out first. the fan leaves hold your nutes and are really useful, i would personalty remove the leaves if there iis no other way. the leaves are capable of transferring energy over a short distance. i have noticed my plants with the biggest fan leaves have the biggest buds by far.


Well-Known Member
Your fan leaves are little solar panels while it's not optimal to take them off unless hurt, a few shouldn't be bad. I would try the tuck method as it's just less stressful. Now I will take some off towards the end of flower to help light penetration but it's only a few.


Well-Known Member
The big fans coming off nodes are to supply branches with energy to grow.. Once those branches start forming their own leaves, the node fans are not important.


Active Member
ii wouldnt do it. You loose alot of potential energy and nutrients. The fan leaves grow far outward for a reason. I would rather have more light hitting the fan leaves sending that energy into the buds rather than cutting off its food supply. If it has more then 20 of em maybe you could get away with it but i mean on a smaller 2-4 foot plant you want all the fan leaves you can have. Just because the buds themselves dont get intense direct sunlight doesnt mean she isnt getting the energy she needs. I mean its all up too you but if you leave em youll end up with a better product. They are like solar panels and if you start taken em away you loose alot of potential energy. Ive had all my leaves on most of my harvests untill the day i chop and it always been great smoke. I did take off a few leaves one time but the smoke didnt seem to be all there.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Like others have said, those fan leaves are like Solar Panels, absorbing light just like your body does when you are in the sun. Think about how we humans absorb vitamin D from the Sun, and how light is important when it is transferred through the right "Channels". You'll see those big leaves attached to the base of a branch, where nutrients are transferred into and up the branch. This is vital for proper health, allowing sugars and energy to fill your buds with joy! If you hack away, you will find your harvest (yeild) and potency most likely affected. I did so much research on this, my head was spinning and I found that changing the natural function of ANY plant can have dire consequences. This is my motto; "Move and Tuck". If the leaves are showing signs of dying or the lack of light has caused them to wither, then consider kissing them goodbye, otherwise I would leave the plant alone.
ii wouldnt do it. You loose alot of potential energy and nutrients. The fan leaves grow far outward for a reason. I would rather have more light hitting the fan leaves sending that energy into the buds rather than cutting off its food supply. If it has more then 20 of em maybe you could get away with it but i mean on a smaller 2-4 foot plant you want all the fan leaves you can have. Just because the buds themselves dont get intense direct sunlight doesnt mean she isnt getting the energy she needs. I mean its all up too you but if you leave em youll end up with a better product. They are like solar panels and if you start taken em away you loose alot of potential energy. Ive had all my leaves on most of my harvests untill the day i chop and it always been great smoke. I did take off a few leaves one time but the smoke didnt seem to be all there.
I'm going to say, your head lied to you, was comical though. Tell the scroggers on here to keep their undergrowth for more potent buds see how fast you're laughed out of their thread.


bud bootlegger
by removing fan leaves in an attempt to get more light to the buds, you're pretty much shooting yourself in the foot as buds don't do much in the way of photosynthesis, maybe about 15% that fan leaves do..
we all know that photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert light energy into foods and sugars, so the fan leaves are the biggest part of the plant that contains chlrophyl, which is what plants use to photosynthesize with, so they're the part of the plants that make the most food and sugars for the plants, making happy and healthy plants..
buds don't produce more buds, leaves produce more buds.. :D


Well-Known Member
he never said he was going to pluck the bitch bold.... yes take some fecking fan leaves off mr :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Have not noticed a great difference either way. A few fans would not be missed by the plant.

I have to take some off cause of space confines, just go slow with it and take as few as you can. Tuck if you can.

Fan leaves may build bigger buds but light hitting the bud does plump them up as well. More leaves are produced on the buds after a trim to compensate. There will be a lag in growth if you go wild on em.