Ok outdoor growers. What have you learned or liked....


Well-Known Member
that you will be doing different next season?

Some things I will try..
Indoor growing..only because the new house has a nice lil area for it..and my supply runs low
more consistent pot sizes (now have 4 gal to 25 gal) I like symmetry and it makes it easier for my cleanup
I will also try an "in the ground grow" after seeing a vid today with 150 gal pots.. I was stunned... (always use planters but new house has an 15-15 area perfect for veggies and a big bush!)
LST one or 2 just for shits and giggles (usually super crop) but there was one photo I saw I just dug... and must try!
no planters less then 10 gallon


Well-Known Member
Next year ill be getting some 100 gallon smart pots
And ill be main lining all my plants ...

I'll also start from seed next year and only run a couple elite clones


Well-Known Member
Next year I will be running proven outdoor winners and some crosses I will be making In the winter from those winners *cough testers needed *cough

Will prevent PM before it has a chance to even touch my garden.

Will add more Super Soil to each hole than I did this year

Will be brewing beneficial teas


Well-Known Member
Tried clones but did not like them as much as the monsters grown from seed. First time LST was a great success. I easily quadrupled my previous grows. Also kept them in containers until June which helped. My biggest mistake was planting too close (3-4' on center). Next year 6'. Great products I discovered included BT and Spinosad.


Well-Known Member
i learned that...
upping the size of soil containers is addictive...getting a few 200's next season..
i really like agent orange
i can grow big plants in my area...(not over yet)
don't switch to bloom food too fast...
i hate tripping over drip lines....and need a better plan next season...
i should top more...
no full haze plants...


Well-Known Member
i learned that...
upping the size of soil containers is addictive...getting a few 200's next season..
i really like agent orange
i can grow big plants in my area...(not over yet)
don't switch to bloom food too fast...
i hate tripping over drip lines....and need a better plan next season...
i should top more...
no full haze plants...
what size was your max now??

I saw the 150 gals and was stunned... I get the idea for pro growers and those who use a ton of it as I do... but damn.. just damn oh damn..... that's a big bitch... I am gonna keep my in the ground about 6 foot max and as wide as a I can


Well-Known Member
im doing 65 and 100s this year...with a few whatever totes
biggest before this season was 30 gallons
laney...my whole garden is clones...im going to use some seeds next year...
but i hate the idea of ordering that shit online...


My big change is going to be going to smaller and faster indicas next time.
Got one big 7 footer that is way too big for my comfort level (it was even topped) that isn't even close to being done with cold weather coming fast.


Well-Known Member
Señor, why no full haze next year? I love haze but can see how some may find them too tall and sometimes fluffy. I resisted ordering seeds online but went ahead and ordered from Attitude and Sannies for the first time this year. Both arrived without incident.


Active Member
I learned that having a plan makes life alot easier and that half the fun of growing is makimg uour own mistakes and little experiments....

I will be using Earth Juices nute line next year instead of Fox Farm (wanna go organic), im also going yo clone earlier and keep more clones for myself


Well-Known Member
Señor, why no full haze next year? I love haze but can see how some may find them too tall and sometimes fluffy. I resisted ordering seeds online but went ahead and ordered from Attitude and Sannies for the first time this year. Both arrived without incident.
i have a sour flower that is a ssh backcross...
it just started flowering like 5 days ago...
and im sure my season will end next month..
so i will only get preemie buds off her..
its also my biggest plant....and it's in a 65 not a 100...


Well-Known Member
So many little things. It was a new area so new lessons. First I'll make time to make more super soil, I had to cut mine half super, half happy frog. Then I would do half as many plants, they need so much room outdoor. Dig holes to drop them in. Planted some seeds on 4/20(little too early) and they are 15 feet tall plus the pot(30gal), it's too much. + Automated paintball gun.


Well-Known Member
While Maxsea is absolutely awesome I don't want to feed all season. So I think I will be doing a nice big supersoil hole kinda like Dave from Weeden and toss a couple plants in there. I know that I can grow trees so I am going to pick no more than 3 plants and run them. They are going to be choice RIU genetics if I can make it happen.

Grape Stomper (Budologist420)
Random bomb seed Not sure on genetics because I am lazy (Keepinitcoastal)
Bay Grown (DirrtyD)

That's about all I am going to run next season. All documentation will be going to the fathers (lol) so I am not sure on a thread like this season. Maybe something a little more journal like. :)


Well-Known Member
good thread...
what i learned last yr, hmm.

dnt wait too long to transplant, to avoid getting rootbound and delaying growth. with no place for the roots to go, u will notice a sharp decrease in vertical growth.

make sure if using fencing to have small enough diameter holes in it. otherwise small critters like chipmunks can get in and do more damage than u think.

i think someone said this as well but it was a big lesson for me, dnt switch to bloom nutes too early. i ran out of veg nutes rite before flower, didnt want to get a whole thing of veg nutes for only a week or so, so i decided what could it hurt tyo use bloom nutes here on in. i got bad nitrogen deficiencies because of it, in early flower, and whould even recomend using veg nutes for the fist 1-3 weeks of flower, or a veg/bloom combo.

also i learned to have ur shit when u need it, i ran out of soil earlier in the yr and was broke at the time, delaying my transplanting by a couple more weeks. if i had the basic suppliesw i needed, i couldve avoided this

this i learned last yr but will put it up, support your plants before they flower, stong winds +heavy buds, your gonna get some breaks unless u support them, save yourself the heartbreak

Next yr....

if i can i want to go ground, if not im doing smart pots, large ones too. 25-65 gal im thinking to finish

id also like to slowly progress into the world of organics, and will try to be mixing my own soil. i was also going to make organic teas to treat any deficiencies that may come up, but after reading up about it, its more complex than i thought. one of these times i will, but at this point in time, i dnt thinks its gonna happen, ill have to find a decent organic bottled nutrient line to subsitute defisiencies, and i also want something to provide a little extra nitro in early flower. ppl say ur plants dnt need N in flower and to cut it all out, well my plants told me that they need it, and need it bad too.

also want to mess with fimming a bit next yr, it was basically all LST this yr, but i had one, basically fimmed by a caterpillar, and the side branching, really bushed out, but i liked it more-so compared to lst bc of the nice even structure, and branching, of the plant, lst i had to tie my plant down, according to where i could anchor it on the pot, and the structure isnt very even, and i will have branches over lapping, and colliding, and then i pull those branches apart so theres less chance for mold, just seems like a little more of a pain, and more up keep. next year i plant to fim, ppromote new branching, and if/when the main top starts takinging dominance, ill fim it again, im figuring, this should provide a nice bush with even branching


Active Member
Def, more Mainlining next crop. ANd I need to plan ahead better rather than randomly growing shit cuz I get all confused. Actually gonna write down everything about them so i dont forget who they are! Better soil prep.