Odd Marijuana-Like Plant Growing In Yard

I really had no idea where else I could have posted this. In my yard I was working and I noticed a strong smell of Marijuana. I mean incredibly strong. So I decide to take a look at the plant and was stoked. It was also dark out and I was working so I knew I'd come back to it later. Earlier in the year that area was where my buddy would throw his seeds and I never thought anything about it. So as I brought it in I noticed instantly this isn't a common if at all a Marijuana plant. The thing is not only does it have an incredible smell, but it also is budding as a lime green. It is however producing a flower as well. Now I have searched up and down for a plant that looks even SIMILAR to mine and I can't find any. The only thing I have seen that mimics other pictures of mine is this pink flower thats growing. But there so small and they don't grow big at all. Even the small balls on the stems are hairy. Here are some pictures - WHAT IS THIS PLANT?!photo(9).jpgphoto(10).jpgphoto(11).jpgphoto(12).jpgphoto(13).jpgphoto(8).jpgphoto(7).jpg


Active Member
It's a species of Hydrangea. And you can take that to the bank. Just don't smoke it.
Please list genus and species as I am unfamiliar with any hydrangea species that smell like anything resembling cannabis.

That had crossed my mind but the smell description doesn't fit.


Active Member
I was also thinking Plectranthus sp. as it includes plants like oregano and "piss off" plants but I am still with Nepeta sp.


Active Member
is it hops?dont they look like that........k revision...hydrangea it is according to the fotos last summer ..infront of one just like it///


Active Member
I noticed a strong smell of Marijuana. I mean incredibly strong.
This is the only part of the statement that doesn't fit for lilac, or hydrangea. unless the plant in the picture was picked by mistake. then I would go with hydrangea. But if what is in those pics actually does smell as strong as described, then offer some to a cat and let us know if the what the response is.


Well-Known Member
I really had no idea where else I could have posted this. In my yard I was working and I noticed a strong smell of Marijuana. I mean incredibly strong. So I decide to take a look at the plant and was stoked. It was also dark out and I was working so I knew I'd come back to it later. Earlier in the year that area was where my buddy would throw his seeds and I never thought anything about it. So as I brought it in I noticed instantly this isn't a common if at all a Marijuana plant. The thing is not only does it have an incredible smell, but it also is budding as a lime green. It is however producing a flower as well. Now I have searched up and down for a plant that looks even SIMILAR to mine and I can't find any. The only thing I have seen that mimics other pictures of mine is this pink flower thats growing. But there so small and they don't grow big at all. Even the small balls on the stems are hairy. Here are some pictures - WHAT IS THIS PLANT?!View attachment 2086434View attachment 2086435View attachment 2086436View attachment 2086437View attachment 2086438View attachment 2086433View attachment 2086432
...note to self:
do not accept smoke from this person


Well-Known Member
looks like catnip to me
Catnip/Catmint or Nepeta spp and all members of the sage family have square stems. So that rules out catnip plain and simple. I thought it might even be plain old Lantana. Lantana has a strong smell when crushed but i forgot the leaf arrangement and i am too lazy to look up the plant morphology atm. I thought all verbenas were alternately arranged. OP's plant has opposite leaves. I may be wrong about Verbenas and they may be oppositely arranged. My opologies if that is the case.

This is the only part of the statement that doesn't fit for lilac, or hydrangea. unless the plant in the picture was picked by mistake. then I would go with hydrangea. But if what is in those pics actually does smell as strong as described, then offer some to a cat and let us know if the what the response is.
I say it is either a Hydrangea, because ALL Hydrangeas have OPPOSITE LEAVES. I'm positive about that. Or it is a Verbena if in fact Verbenas have opposite leaves. I'm a bit tired but I can see a lot just from the few pix that were there. The plant was old and woody but still you can clearly see how the branches are arranged opposite one another. I have NEVER heard of a Hydrangea having a smell to it and I am starting to think it might be a Verbena. But it's late and I don't feel like doing actual WORK right now. So to some it up either; a. Verbenas have opposite lvs and it's a Verbena or b. Verbenas have alternate lvs and it's a Hydrangea. That's my best guess.


Well-Known Member
I was leaning toward lantana and it has a strong odor, especiaally the roots. It doesn't smell like anything but lantana, to me. Kind of nasty smelling stuff. from memory, I think lantana has square stems, too. I could be wrong


Well-Known Member
Most humble apologies to the OP...that comment I made was mean and uncalled for...sorry!
Whatever it is...DO NOT INGEST ANY OF IT!!!
it may send you on a trip. to the hospital.
It's ok man. I know what Marijuana plants look like and are suppose to smell like. I'm sure I could have made revisions but I had been up for over a day trying to fix a pump when I seen it and posted it. I'd never smoke a wild plant even if the leaves looked more realistic to Marijuana plants let alone ones growing flowers on the end. Thanks guys.

Edit; As I read up on catnip and seen what you guys have said it is weird that it has a Marijuana smell to it. But it was unmistakeable when I smelt it. It's only on the big plants though. The smaller ones don't have that smell. I have plants 4-6 times this size in my yard.