nutes and ferts


Active Member
and when i start should i mix the organic soil with anything else like perlite or anything or just do soil?


Well-Known Member
From what Ive heard...nutes shouldnt be added until your plants are a month old. Dont wanna give them anything too strong while they're young.

Someone please correct me if Im wrong.

And yeah...mix whatever soil with some perlite at least....Helps with drainage which keeps your roots healthy and able to breathe.


Well-Known Member
^ youre right. most soils will come w/ a light amount of nutes already in there...

that should be good for about a month...

also remeber when you first start feeding nutrients, to start at a very low dose and work your way up to the given strength... dont want to burn those ladies

get some of this for your veg period.... works great (use lightly)



Well-Known Member
Nutrients with a higher N (Nitrogen) content are preferred for veg growth, something like a 10-5-5 (pretty much any variation will work).