nute lock?


Well-Known Member
think i locked my plants up. whats a good way to "unlock" them. heard to use salt in my res but how much and how long do you run it for? running stink buds veg unit just the one res i dont have them stacked up. or any other ideas on unlocking them?


Active Member
just flush flush and flush with ph'd water, if ur using 10 liter pots flush with 30 liters of water works every time for me and start with nutes half strengh and work ur way back up to full.......


Well-Known Member
from the sound of your reply your in soil... looking for a good way to flush in hydro aeroponic system.


Active Member
you can buy stuff to flush them from a hydro store,I grow in dwc and my first grow taught me alot,but to answer your question I have used plain ph adjusted water to flush mine and it worked,now I keep my nutes on the low side.I have grown better plants with less ppms than with pushing the limits,and useing less costs less. good luck


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of salt to leach salts from a option is just use plain phd water..also you can look into salt leaching supplements like clearex,etc that are designed to break down the salts quicker than straight water flushing.