Nug's 330w CMH grow (5 types of kush)


Well-Known Member
looks like theyll make it...
I would say maybe its some sort of nute lockout ... but more likely u just burned em a tad...
Its good to up the ppms in the 3 to 6 week.... and then gradually tapper off...
At this point ...(week 5) you have enuff leaves to sustain good bud production...

I tend not to worry about sun leaves as muh after week 7 ...
Bye then theyll naturally yellow and die out... and ill know theyre good to go...
Also you can easily tell if theyre are to many nutes loooking on the leaf ends ...
I just go by the tips myself ...and dont read ppms anymore...since soil is a buffer...
I can usually just tell wen ph and ppm is off....

And lastly how far are those away from the light?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I will tonight when lights come on. The yellowing/spoting got a lil worse after the flush ( on one of the PBs 75% of fan leaves turned pale yellow)so I gave em have strength nutes last nite. The run off was 7.0 and the water I put in was 6.5 So that should mean my soil is 6.7-6.8 right? Hope they make it thru without to much damage.

There's pics of whole plant on the last few pages. (I ono if u saw those or not)

Cheezy: the leaf tips are a lil burnt and curled so I could have burned em, but at the same time the other symptoms point to lockout. So a lil confused here. They seemed to yelow more after I flushed em so that's why Im leaning more towards lockout/underfed. This is driving me nuts.

When they got burnt the light was about 10in away (Open hood) but they grew real quick so the main tops that got burnt were about 8 in away. Now to be safe I raised up to 12. Really wanna drop it back down to 10in tho because I know how many extra lumens they will get just from an extra inch or 2.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't go to crazy trying to correct things. She looks good, just a little burn & not too much to worry about. if you had lockout, the flush should help. Do you think you have a deficiency? I noticed i had a big of a Mg def at the end of my last grow - i had to give epsom salt. I am hoping this time i don't have any issues.


Well-Known Member
Yeah im pretty sure it is deficiency because of how bad 2 of plants are yellowing but at the same time one of the plants looks more like nute burn. Im sure the dif strains have a lot to do with it. I think the sfv doesn't need as much nutes but the PB and pre98 need more.

kush groove

Active Member
Yeah man ph is a bitch. I check the ph of the water every single tiime I put it in that's why I was suprised it changed so much. I check my ph meter every time too so its accurate.

Did u have a lot of yellowing going on? Cuz on my pre98 I lost a lot of leaves.
yes there is a lot of yellowing going on but only 2 of the 6 strains are suffering....i know for a fact they arent underfed, although the yellowing did begin at the bottom and worked its way to the top as a nitrogen deficiency would.....i thought about flushing since last week and i havent done it yet


Well-Known Member
just ride em out bro...
You past most the crucial junctures...
like mary said dont do nothing crazy...
and yes bubba will eat allot more..
Remember ..keep the sfv og a lil lower on the nutes...
The og doms are real finicky ....


Well-Known Member
Yeah just not gonna stress over them. Whatever happens happens. Even if all this goes to shit (which it wont), I still got all my sour diesel and perkle at the collective. That shoul be ready within a few weeks. Ill post harvest pics

I gave them all half strength nutes 2 days ago and foliar fed them a little last night (last time im doing it cuz I don't want mold). So should start increasing the stregth next watering or should I just give em plain water. The nutes say to add with every watering.

Thanks for the support guys.

Ill post some pics in a bit.


Well-Known Member
picture time...

Cbtbudz: sorry didnt get a shot of whole plant cuz i was in a hurry and didnt have time to pull the plants out, if i dont pull the em out from under the light the lines from the light get real bad. so ill take some more tonight.

The spots do kinda look like nute burn but i still think those are from the burn because its only on the tops. Some of the lower leaves do have burns tips and edges so it is possible its nute burn and light burn haha!

The buds are still growing but the actual plants have grown much so hope they recover soon!


Well-Known Member
the buds look great its unfortunate the leaves burnt, ive been trying to find some kush clones myself from where i live the seeds are just too damn expensive for me to afford right now lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Yeah im lucky to be socal. Lots of strands down here. Still not always easy to get the REAL strains tho cuz dispensaries will pass off all kinds fo washed out strains. I've only grown from seed once and I would def wanna do it again but going from clones is so much faster. If u do get a hold of some seeds I will definetly use them next grow.

Forgot to mention I had to put the grow into stealth mode for today and tmrw. Got a couple guests staying the night that I don't want knowing what I do so had to shut down the exhaust fan since it makes a pretty loud and distinct noise when it turns on. The guest bedroom shares the wall with the closet so they will definetly hear it turning on and off at night when the house is quite. So because of this I had unplug the CMH and just run my aerogarden light for tonight. (2 x 26w bulbs) gonna lose a day of light but id rather be safe.


Well-Known Member
that sucks Nug, I hate when gguests some and screw up my grow. i decided i will not invvite anyone unless they are cool ith what i am doing. even my mother will have to deal with it or she's not welcome.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its a bummer but losing one day of real light should be too bad. Guests are cool, they smoke and all. I just don't have to worry about other people finding out.


Well-Known Member
yeah that's true. one day won't be too troublesome. i have had times i had uncool visitors for 4 nights. that was the worst. :)

how much longer till your plant is done you think? i think i still havel ike 3 weeks+...


Well-Known Member
Double burn!lol
No but really theyll make it ...
i have faith in you....

I usually go half strength .... and then flush every other water...
Well not a true flush .. but a plainwater feeding every other watering...

Thats what i would do ... but im no expert with plant problems....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for believing haha. Brings my hopes up.

Ill feed them every other time now and keep the nutes down on all of the OGs.

On a personal note:

I just like half knocked myself out. Forgot the pizza was in the over , so tried to run to the kitchen and there's this low over hang in hallway. Someshit was llaying on the floor so I went to kinda leap over it and my head slammed perfectly into the overhang (I was going pretty fast).. so I blacked out and opened my eyes to kneeling on the floor with my head hanging down. Shit sucks. still feel kinda funny, hope I didn't get another concusion, that would be number 6 (I snowboard all the time)


Well-Known Member
aww that sucks on the deficiency nug! maybe a PH problem? and oh man that incident with the low over hang sounds crazy haha at least your doing alright be careful with those head injuries though! You snowboard I notice your location says so cal ever hit up Mtn. High?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I go to mthigh like 4 times a week. No weekends to crowded. Go to big bear also alot but mthigh just closer.
I actually live real close by to u.

U snowboard?

Im prolly gonna go up to mammoth opening week also. Got freea lodging cuz my buddys live up there. Can't wait for that and till the local hills open up! Mthigh has a air bag jump now! Can't wait to try corkscrews on that shit!


Well-Known Member
I live right near you guys too. i know exactly where your location is dapio.

Nug, my plant tops are still pretty small. they are just starting to dense up a bit. probably 2 inches wide and 5 inches tall. i know my plant is a slow grower because this is my 2nd harvest of the same plant. :)


Well-Known Member
Sweet man. Glad to see to more n more local growers on here. Mine are prolly bout the same size as urs.

I noticed a lil damp smell today n the humidity was almost up to 70. Most llikely cuz exhaust hasn't been on.. I got a dehum in there but its pretty small so I was thinking of getting some desi packs from my work and hangiing em in there to bring down the humidity some more.