Nugbuckets Lab


Well-Known Member
i now refer to 8 heads as the "violet donkey"!........and she is really getting rediculous...i can't wait for her sessions in front of the lens........she is epic.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit Nugs, I told you that you inspire me to be better.... well I about crapped my pants doing this.... wish me luck.

Some Space Dawg & Vortex "Main Lined"
i know, it can be intense when starting out, huh?........but we have to try new things!......good luck....keep us posted....


Well-Known Member
I'd say it's strain dependent. Cheese LOVES scrog, but I'm not sure you'd get nearly as much from a mainline with it. Likewise, I'm sure there are strains that wouldn't like scrog as much as a mainline setup.


Well-Known Member
I have been doing this with 2 nodes for some time now, but I was looking at my DQs in flower and saying to myself, WTF!

There was no reason I had the other node going, if I had dedicated all that energy to the first two I suspect my growth in those nodes would be substantial in comparison.

I also have been doing the 2 node thing with my Exodus Cheese and I would suspect that mainlining would be very beneficial to that strain.

Well, I am giving these Vortex and Space Dawg a shot, if all goes well I see no reason I wouldn't continue doing this.

Thanks Nugs!


Well-Known Member
Geek, I'd like to see a side by side with the Cheese... Mainline vs SCROG. I really wonder if you'd do that much better yield wise.

Is your Exo Cheese the cut, or seed from GHS?

edit: Unless maybe you mainlined a scrog?


Well-Known Member
mainlining a scrog, lol might be interesting. My Exo is from GHS, and seemed to hold onto the prime genetics of the original.

Side by side.... well I am not growing the Exo again for a while, the DQ is taking it's place right now. I don't have one main lined yet but I will do so with the clones that go in next run. I don't do SCROG so a side by side would be difficult.


Well-Known Member
Hey nugs cAnt wait to see how u set up the scrog ffor your outdoor. I need to do the same for mine but have never done it before.


Well-Known Member
Hey nugs cAnt wait to see how u set up the scrog ffor your outdoor. I need to do the same for mine but have never done it before.
working on it right now, should have somthing to share real soon.......trying to figure out how to make it height adjustable....getting close.


Well-Known Member
Lab Notes..... i am O.C.D in a pretty serious if I don't have something constructive and creative to do each morning i wake up, i go bat-shit crazy. me, this is the second most important reason i grow meds, next to getting dank in the hands of people who need it......but the creative expression, and the D.I.Y aspect really gets me when someone a ways back started asking about main-lining clones....i took it as a creative, and constructive challenge, and it has been awesome so far, still much to learn, but the creative juices are flowing big time, and already there are a few of plants around the globe working their way to flower looking pretty damn cool......even sub is getting his groove on tweaking, twisting, bonding, and pruning!.........a couple days ago budologist mentioned that he would like to see an outdoor, small-scale, modular scrog screen, for a 20 gal. smart pot......perfect! another endevor to occupy my over-active neurons! thanks brother! i kicked the dirt , sat in the sauna and meditated on it a bit, and dammit, i am ready to slam this bitch together.....coupled with the added challenge of working a main-lined vortex out under the sun!...lets fucking do this! she will have to be round, and fully adjustable, have 16-24 individual spaces, be lightweight, and something that blends in, and reusable..........hmmmmmmmm.....stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
p.s. vortexes are in a turkey bag, getting gently tossed around, gassing off, and getting ready for the is the most intense weed i have ever smelled!, and she is still very green! hay....none!....the whole house is thick with her scent....wonderful!.....lots going on.....sticky, sugary, tropical fruits......... pepper, spices, sour, even has this really nice fresh bruised catnip/spearimint thing underneath.....just killer....i love herb that you don't have to molest to get her to release her yummies......just crack the jar, and everyone in the house, gets a goofy grin on their face!


Well-Known Member
ah... so just like a big jar? In what case would you reach for these instead of a huge glass jar? Do they get a good cure faster? Sorry again for the noob questions, haha. Thanks Nug.


Well-Known Member
ah... so just like a big jar? In what case would you reach for these instead of a huge glass jar? Do they get a good cure faster? Sorry again for the noob questions, haha. Thanks Nug.
i think they are best for the initial cure, because you can make them air-tight, by sucking out the air, or can open them up, pinch close the top, and roll or gently turn the buds around without removing them from the bag/jar.....once they are stable...(few days)...and the buds stop sticking to each other, then they go into glass.