npk 13 14


The owner of my local shop informed me that i could use this from day 21 flowering right upto the flushing stage at half strength has anyone got any experience of this.


Well-Known Member
You mean PK1314.

If you're using a fully balanced nutrient line with good NPK levels then additional PK1314 shouldn't really be required.

Over use of PK boosters can cause salt build up along with yellowing leaves.

Personally I use PK1314 at some point during week 3-6 for one week.

It depends on the strain as to when is best for its usage.


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
PK 13/14, a mixture of phosphorus and potassium, added at just the right moment of the flowering phase will get you some bonking big buds.
Some here on RIU note a surprising difference within 24 hours of the first addition.
In short, Phosphorous strengthens cell formation in flowers and Potassium helps the plant generate the sugars necessary for ample flowering.
Based on Canna’s grow charts, the perfect moment is decided by reading the plant and the additions don’t last more than a week of feeds.
The issue here is interpreting the chart’s wording.
Canna breaks down the 12/12 flowering period into 4 phases, “Generative Period 1-4. PK add’s are in period 2, described as “Development of the volume (breadth) of flowers or fruit”.
Someone here on RIU interprets this as the time when you notice all vertical growth is over on the flowers and they have just begun to swell up.
I’ve fine-tuned this to another signal and that’s when the small puff balls start linking together to form the cola.
I simply look for minimal segmentation along the stem, which was rough to tell with this SK OG stain.
Weirdly enough, a lot of the strains I’ve grown show this trait during the end of week 4, or start of week 5.
So that may be key for people with 8-week strains that form golf balls instead of colas.
Guess what “Generative Period 3” is? It’s described by Canna as “The development of the mass of flowers or fruit”.
So be warned, after the start of these additions, buds start fattening horizontally at an amazing rate, so vertical development stops.
This is the reason I waited till week 6-7 on this SWOG strain, I was simply waiting for vertical fill-in before starting the fattening.
For length of time on additions, I run for 3 feedings which is about 9 days.
I tell people to reduce their base nutes ˜1-2ml/gal since PK is some hot stuff, but then again…you can read your strain.
If they take everything you throw at them, give the full dose of base nutes.
I am guilty of some little brown leaf tips most of the time during PK adds, but in turn get some awesome returns from the plant bud-wise.

As for starting pk13/14 adds, the sweet spot for me is sometimes late week 4 but mostly week 5. When the small puff balls of buds just start connecting up and down the colas is the time to start.
You don't want to go more than 7-10days (about 3 feedings for me) or the plants start getting really "ragged" looking.
I drop my base nutes about 2ml/gal as well to reduce tip burns. It is some hot stuff.

posted by jela10....personally I have never used it



Well-Known Member
if its canna pk 13/14 he wants his nut looking at i use it for 5 days 4 week before harvest,thats week 5.

The shit grow shops tell ya is un - real but i suppose its about money but dude use it for 5/7 days max no need for any longer.

Same has big bud from advanced i only use that for 7 days