NFTG +Spiderfarmer+AC Infinity 4x8(DFG-Haole Moonshine grow)


Well-Known Member
They all sprouted, last ones poking through. I decided to plant another a 6th one. Wanna make sure I get enough females to fill the tent. Just got the rest of my AC infinity exhaust system so setting that up today and gotta figure out how to work the climate controller.


Well-Known Member
Week 1 down. Been watering with Dr Root.
Next to the 6 "Haole Moonshine"( DFG's Blackberry moonshine bx1 X Modified Macberry moonshine) I also have a purple cake and purple crunch that just sprouted. They'll all go into their final five gallon pots when they fill out the cups. Got the AC infinity pots with the LST holes to match the tent.


Well-Known Member
I've decided, when these plants go into flower I'm going to fill up my veg tent with DFG's "MacDragon bx1". Finally getting a perpetual going. So by time I harvest these plants I'll have six plants in my 3x3 ready to go into the 4x8. and repeat....


Well-Known Member
Decided to germ 5 more Haole Moonshine. So 10 plants in 5 gal. Pots. Should fill her up. I'll be reading out males so that'll free up space.


Well-Known Member
So since I'm growing five more plants and needed to fill up five more pots I decided to reassess my soil. Mixing it up today Im using nectar #4, Coco loco, biochar, and one shot. Should be a good mix hopefully I can recycle some soil this time after weeding out the males. It's cold outside so I wanted to do this in my kitchen but my wife made me go in the garage LOL.IMG_20221017_120416.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ordered these Mac dragon bx1 fems. I know it's a little early I'm going to start these about when the Haole moonshine go into flower. Couldn't resist this dude's plants look amazing.IMG_20221024_092503.jpg