Newborn Grower of The Aero Type


Active Member
Hey everybody!
I planted my first mj seeds just a week ago and some days. Then I decided to go by way of the aerogarden because I live in a city and have a small apt. I just wanted to announce myself, I suppose it is custom. I'm growing only for me, so I figured it wold be a fine choice. Bought me a large VeggiePro model for 40$ :mrgreen: just yesterday and transplanted my seedlings into 2 different pods. My approach has evolved from curiosity to apathy, and now to determination.
I am an undergraduate Biology student and have been growing flowers on the side to have something extra. Anyway, I've read through many of the threads here and it has been very helpful so far. I'm glad this community exists and is so open.

Happy growing and stay peaceful!


Active Member
The only problem I see you could have with running that system all the way to flower is size. Growing from seed, depending on the strain, you might not get to flower before your plant outgrows the system. The plant will not flower properly if it's immature when u switch to 12/12. You are decently going to have to top your plant, or remove the attar he'd light fixture and replace it with a small hps. You might want to check the attitude seed bank for an ak48 or something meant to flower early. Or put the seedling in a pot and take cuttings to use in your aerogarden. Are u growing bag seeds or did u buy feminized seeds? Always buy feminized! Get a good mother going and use clones. They are already mature, and with a good aero system u can flower them small. You will find everything you need to grow good bud on this site. Research and common sence is everything. Don't take anyones ( including mine) comments seriously us farmers tend to talk just to hear ourselves speak.


Active Member
Thank you so much, I have been absent from the forums for a while, but I do want to express my appreciation for your response. The aerogarden method wasn't working out for me and I never grew a plant into flower... I think one was flowering, it was a male, and the other never showed any signs of sex. I had these small plants that were seedling forever in soil that I left under the same light (forgot) and they started to flower. They were females but had one node and were puny, pretty much useless. I scrapped the entire thing and told myself next time I will do a soil grow.

So I am just starting anew with soil, still have my aerogarden. Its a big aero, and I had already taken the hood off last grow and used an 8 chord as well as extra CFLs. Its a stealth grow in an apt, and I use a cabinet that won't accommodate plants over 3 ft tall. Been having trouble germinating my seeds this time around. I have been using bag seed. I ordered from Attitude once and I never got my package because I forgot to include my apartment number in the shipping address. Oh well, Attitude couldn't help me there, said Royal Mail is very unhelpful, and our Postal Service (USA) couldn't do anything about it. A tricky situation to be in. I abandoned those seeds. (Some were fem and others auto)

I am only interested in growing for myself, so I don't need huge yields. I just need the yield to be worth the cost of growing. Thanks for the insight!

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Welcome to RUI.

IF you havent already read about it in the Aero forum.... Get a small $10'ish Aquarium Pump & Airstone. The theoretical aeration that occurs from water dripping off a sopping wet sponge is not an ideal level of aeration for roots submerged in nutrient solution. A bit of REAL air gives you less slime, yuck, algae and root rot.

Another tip... the " Y " thingie from the hydrobucket drip ring is a perfect fit, and perfectly good replacement for the pump. If you ever need to replace the pump... its something to consider ;-) Air powered water pumping is also more easily adjustable. or turned off.