Newbie to Hydroponics, only one question.


Active Member
Hello there fellow growers.

First off I am new, very new to hydroponics, got a set up a week ago.

Second Ive been doing alot of reading over the internet (mostly widow makers post) but there is one thing that is not mentioned really much at all.

How long should I run my pump?, it seems that if I would run it all day/night that I would starve my plant from Oxygen at the roots and begin root rot. if I should run it 15/45 every hour to let the roots dry a bit then thats cool ill run down to homedepot and pick a 15 minute increment timer and throw that baby on.

btw the system I bought was a DH1 from (if linking stores is wrong then mod delete link)



Well-Known Member
i ran 15 per hour it was fine

the plant likes to have time to air out and let the roots streach between feedings


Active Member
i ran 15 per hour it was fine

the plant likes to have time to air out and let the roots streach between feedings

Great, thank you for the response, it was on while the light was on but the leafs started to turn yellow on the inside and green around the tips. like it had too much water.

but these plants are crap ones, was using florescents but wasnt getting any height and when I cloned they started flowering a couple weeks later.

I have two bag seeds in peet pellets now, one is about 3 inchs the other just breaking light and I have a bag of 10 white widows coming, if they ever ship them.

Should I just start fresh with these new seeds?


Well-Known Member
i'd wait for the widow, after it starts up you wont care about those bag seeds and you can always make more clones


Active Member
yeah I hope they come, never know if it will get stopped while being shipped.

or is that just something people freak out about but doesnt hardly ever happen?


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't have any probs with getting seeds..I've ordered 3 times from Netherlands, no probs..A lot of people are scared over nothing..


Active Member
You shouldn't have any probs with getting seeds..I've ordered 3 times from Netherlands, no probs..A lot of people are scared over nothing..

Cool, thanks for the reply.

Another question, there is no hydro store in my area but I was looking at ph up and down but it is sodium based, I cant find anything on here that says if its good or bad, anyone?