Newbie grow thread. Pics included. Advice needed

Hello to all. This is my very first grow and I am very excited to see results. I have done plenty of research but as I go along it seems the most obvious of questions are the ones that arise most. I germinated the seed in a small plastic cup and transferred it to a small pot. When I did this, I must have mixed more miracle grow soil in than needed and burnt the very tip of one of the leaves. It seems to be improving well as I added more water to try and flush some of the nutrients out. It indeed is doing much better. I am using a 13watt, 4200k, 110v Florescent light. It is hanging almost 2 inches above the plant. I also have a 120watt, 1740 lumens halogen floodlight, but when i turned it on it seems to be over the top for the seedling, so I opted to do without it...for now. I water and mist the plant every other day or so (usually when the soil seems to be drying out on the surface), but in my opinion it seems to be growing slower the past few days but what do I know this is my first time. I also read that it could be that the roots are growing as opposed to the leaves.... but we'll see. The plant is currently on a 24/0 cycle and temp is 72 degrees.

I guess what I need to know is when to switch to the stronger bulb and start the next cycle (Flowering)

All comments and help is appreciated.
Thanks to all and best regards, Cheers,



Well-Known Member
growing slower probably because you flushed it and its water logged a smig, not a big deal, give it time, dont look at it, it'll grow faster that way :)


Well-Known Member
I won't use a halagen flood light just buy some more cfls go with 27 watt day light bulbs for the blue spectrum you need for flower and use some light wyes so you can add more bulbs you will need them.
Thanks for the advice, Ill pop into the hardware store tomorrow and grab a few cfls and update. Can anyone give advise as to what I can add as far as nutrients. The woman at the gardening store advised that the miracle grow should suffice for now and I dont wish to overfeed the plant again. Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
yeah halogens are useless. dont use that. and from your pics it looks like your soil has time release nutrients in it, so your attempts at flushing are kinda useless since more of the little nutrient balls will just melt away everytime you flush, what i would do.. is when you transplant..find a soil without the time release nutrients in it...and if this is the way you wanna go, just find an all purpose for my first grow i used a 15-35-15 and it worked fine for me..


Well-Known Member
Dont use miracle grow cheaply yeah use Fox Farm nutes shit Raleys sells them and cheaper then the Hydro Store for 3 bottles under $50.

hope full

Active Member
First things first, every time you try to ”flush” your feeding that little ladie, because of the fertalizer already mixed in the soil thats what its designed to do, so thats a no go, pop over to the hardware store and tell them you want some soil with NO fertalizers in it they will hook you up, go home and transplant that little ladie, get on the net and got to and get your self some really cheap nuets, dosent matter what kind just make sure you are covering all the basis, if you can get a two part formula than that would be best, the less you have to mix the better, things will go smoother that way, now for lighting, go ahead and go to the hard ware store and get your self some 2700k bulbs for flower if your lost tell the people at the store you are trying to add some color supplemented lighting to your home and your looking for a red tent, cfl only, now go over to the indoor forum section and look up 12 12 from seed it will blow your mind and you could flip when you get those red cfls, hope this was help full, im extremely gone right now and just realized I wrote you a fucking book to read hahahah any more question ill be glad to help. Good luck stay HOPE FULL
Here is the best advice you can get. Cannabis takes 16 elements to THRIVE. You can grow it with as little as three, but it will not THRIVE. What to do is study all 16 elements (google it) and once you have an idea of what they are, get a mix of nutes that offer as many of those 16 as you can get. (all 16 preferred) Do not let organic or big name nutes full you, strive for all of the elements and then perfect your environmental surroundings. (in your grow tent/room) If you begin growing outdoors, that is the time to go organic IMO, because the earth's environment is at stake. So in short, lol, study the ELEMENTS. Growing is a science for sure....Good luck man
Well I read some of the 12/12 from seed thread but don't you think its too late for that? I mean its had constant light for maybe 4 days now? If I swap soil or switch to 12/12 cycle wouldn't that increase the chances of a hermaphrodite?

I switched the lighting last night to a cfl. 27w 5000k that supposedly mimics sunshine and I can already see improvements in the color and fullness of the leaves.....if that makes any sense.


Well-Known Member
I would add 3 light bulb wyes buy them home depot, walmart, lowes, etc. that way you can have 4 bulbs to the 1 fixture trust me the more the better check out my last years cfl grows I had 20 total cfls.

hope full

Active Member
Well as far as I know of and what dell says, ( the guy who started the 12 12 thread) he has actually stated that wen he runs regularly seeds his chances of getting females has increased, and in order for you to get a hermi it ether has to all ready be in its genes or you gotta stress the hell outta it, and switchin your light to 12 12 will not stress it, having a light leek will, or interrupting the dark hours wen flipped to 12 12, and its not to late to flip, by you vegging for that little bit of time will only help with the yield. If I were you I would transplant the flip to 12 12. Thats just me tho
I think I may start a poll on whether or not I should swap the cycle to 12/12. Last night I went to the hardware store and bought 3 more cfls. Today I am going to order some foxfarm ocean forest potting soil, grow big, big, bloom and tiger bloom. I hope I don't stress the ladie too much as this is my only seed, (for now) but she is just my guinea pig for my learning curve. I appreciate all the help so far.

by the way it is day 5 and there are already 6 leaves present.

Also, If anyone needs advice or help with setting up reverse osmosis systms just let me know.... I am a water specialist by trade. Get your water as close to 0ppm as possible. ;-)

(I have some systems lying around my place.)
So I got my hands on some supplies today. Very excited to get this thing going. I ordered some seeds from nirvana as well but wont be here for at least a week. Check it out. Ill post updates as I get the setup a bit more advanced and controlled.



Well-Known Member
some people have this problem and some people dont, i have this problem so im gonna tell you..i find that ffof is too hot for seedlings so i start my seeds in another medium, with less nutrients in it..
Well damn. Good to know before the transplant. I just feel that too many transplants are going to stress the plant. Bummer. Ima have to do some research and see what's best. The plant is currently in miracle grow and is healthy so far, I would think that the Foxfarm would be better but i guess like you said some have the problem and some don't.


Well-Known Member
yeah i can transplant into it after like 2 weeks in seedling soil.. but i just cant start seeds in it.
My plant popped out of the soil only six days ago. Perhaps Ill give it a few more days in the soil that its in now then transplant it. This shall give me time to arrange the more controlled setup in my bathroom. I still need to pick up a fan and thermometer/moisture meter. I have read that root hormone is another additive that the plants respond well to. Is there anyone with experience with this that has any helpful advise?