new outdoor organic grow.


just lettin shit happen.. you can follow to see how it turns out.
Photo on 2011-03-14 at 16.47.jpg

and yes i know... 2 in 1 pot??? wtf is wrong with you!!! blah blah blah fucking blah.. not interested.. these were bag seed.. and tossed em in a pot with some organic foxfarm ocean forest. and i shall see how they turn out.. nothing but sun light and water hose water . ha show u how cannabis can grow with out all the work.. yea buds ain't gone be shit but oh well i ain't doin shit as well ... lettin nature take this one.


Well-Known Member
ha show u how cannabis can grow with out all the work.
seeds fight for root space. thats why plants grow at a natural interval of 4-6" apart for plants with boog roting systems. 1 plants in a 2 gallon pot. blah blah blah whatever is what you say??

BOTH of those plants are going to suck ASS. i would wager 1 LB of marijuana that you dont harvest 1 OZ off of both of those plants.

Edit: you look exactly like this dumbass kid i know names frazer..... sounds like the kind of dumbass thing he would do to...... come on a grow site and say he knows something when he doesn;t know shit :)


just asking for trouble with a post like that......

arrogance matched with lousy weed.........

I think I will pass on this party

4 2 0

Active Member
Dont show your face, its stupid for you, and nobody wants to see that ugly face beside some males in 1 pot, do your reasearch before you even mess around. and im growing plants to "let shit happen" but i pick males, plant in single pots, and when i transplant dig holes away from eachother or spread out in a bed, oh and do some reasearch on nutreints, that FF soil doesnt have enough nutes for a good entire grow.