New Grower Leaves Wilting and Tips Browning!Help!!


I just recieved about 20 MK Ultra clones thats are about 3 weeks old. They were in rockwool cubes and i transfered them into foxfarm soil. I have them under and 8 bulb T5 fluorescent. My problem is the leaves have started to wilt and curl slightly and the tips are all browning and curling. when i put them in the soul i watered with nutrients and root accelerator. i flushed them today but have not seen any improvement. could it be nute burn? over watering? any help is much appreciated! here are a couple pics:



Well-Known Member

looks a lot like nute burn, i'm not experienced with the root accelerator so not sure of its effect

the flush was probably the right thing to do, keep watching and hope for the best



Active Member
thanks long usually to see improvements from nute burn? and when should i give the nutes again?
The nute burn damage is there to stay mate - like a scar. Watch out for new growth as that should be nice and green.

The plant will tell you when it's ready for some nutes - the lowest leaves will start to turn yellow. Take whatever nute you're using and feed it 1/3 strength at first and then up to 1/2 and so on over the next coupla weeks.

More importantly - be patient!! It's a fecking plant, not a car!



Well-Known Member
the FF soil is supposed to be quite good, i haven't used it, so hold nutes back for at least a few days
1-2 days should show you something, good or bad, watch the new growth close, that's your best indicator
recovering a grow can be tough, i just had my 1st indoor grow with MGMC go bad, 2nd grow going better
was more experienced with outdoor grows, indoor is tougher in my opinion
