New grower and new to smoking


Hello everyone, I have been through the site for the past couple of months gathering some information and I recently joined. My first time smoking was in January and I started my first grow in February. I have 17 plants. 3 Hawaii maui, 1 White widow and the rest are mid? Sorry I don't know the proper wording for those plants. I still need to learn more and any advice would be very helpfull. Its also an indoor grow. I can provide pics if anybody can point out anything I may be doing wrong. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :)

Tell us about your setup... your grow space, lighting, temperatures, humidity, medium etc.

Also, show us some pics of your girls!



My advice would be to not grow 17 plants when you hardly know what you're doing.
Your right, and I agree with you. I just learned that you have to pull the males and the mid plants I aren't feminized so I don't know. But 17 is still too much.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the world of RIU! i wish i started growing the month after i started either be a millionaire or id be a complete vegetable lol. So to get to the point, what wattage and type of light are u using? tell us about your whole setup.


Welcome to RIU :)

Tell us about your setup... your grow space, lighting, temperatures, humidity, medium etc.

Also, show us some pics of your girls!

What do I use to upload pictures? One setup is led red and blue 15 watt washer setup vented with the fans. I'm thinking I need a more powerful light? I don't have anything to measure temp or humidity thats something I need ASAP right?

Second setup is a dresser setup are two regular light bulbs vented by two fans

Third setup is in my closet with one fan

Fourth is on my windowsill... Still learning alot about the plants.I use Scotts potting soil and hyponex plant food and water. I have a hydroponic setup I haven't started yet. Wanted to get the soil down before I get into that.


Well-Known Member
You're growing 17 plants and you only have 15 watts? You do know that's less than one watt per plant, the "ideal" watt per plant is 100-150w. So yes you need more light and a lot of it.

You can't grow with incandescent bulbs. That's just a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
Seems like u have space to grow, now u need proper lighting/venting. are all 17 plants already sprouted? were any of them female seeds?


You're growing 17 plants and you only have 15 watts? You do know that's less than one watt per plant, the "ideal" watt per plant is 100-150w. So yes you need more light and a lot of it.

You can't grow with incandescent bulbs. That's just a waste of time.
I just have for plants under that LED light, but like you said thats still not enough wattage so I will look into buying 400watt LED light? The rest germed and sprouted under regular light bulbs. I have been getting some advice from one of my sisters friends that's a plant major? but now I see I need to get 100% of my information here


Seems like u have space to grow, now u need proper lighting/venting. are all 17 plants already sprouted? were any of them female seeds?
yeah I have a house and my roommate loves to smoke so she is cool with me growing. She has a couple of my plants in her room. Yes they all sprouted the only seeds I know for sure that were female were the HM seeds and the WW seed.


Active Member
Hello everyone, I have been through the site for the past couple of months gathering some information and I recently joined. My first time smoking was in January and I started my first grow in February. I have 17 plants. 3 Hawaii maui, 1 White widow and the rest are mid? Sorry I don't know the proper wording for those plants. I still need to learn more and any advice would be very helpfull. Its also an indoor grow. I can provide pics if anybody can point out anything I may be doing wrong. Thanks
Jesus Christ,...This guy ain't fucking around man.


Ahh i see. And the other 13 are what, bag seeds?
yup lol

sorry everyone for how dirty everything may look. The others are in the windowsill in my roomates room. Any other advice would be appreciated. Experimenting right now so when I get it down pack I can know what I'm doing for good. I also have a Hydroponic setup that I plan on using down the road when I learn everything with the soil aspect.


Well-Known Member
They are dying for light. Do you have a budget? For $500 you could have yourself a great setup.


Well-Known Member
you can repot and bury alot of the lower stem after getting alot more light. theres a sticky on it.


Well-Known Member
man those sure are some slinky dinkys. one thing u want to think about is space usage. exactly how many grow cabs do u have and what size are they?


More light..they are too stretchy.
yeah I don't like them stretching like that :/ ..From the feedback I need alot more light

They are dying for light. Do you have a budget? For $500 you could have yourself a great setup.
I don't have a budget for my hobbies. Although I don't have $500 to spare just yet. I want to do LED lighting because I've read it will reduce the utility bill a little and they are cool to look at. Would that be $500 per light?


man those sure are some slinky dinkys. one thing u want to think about is space usage. exactly how many grow cabs do u have and what size are they?
I have 3 growing places.
The dishwasher 22"L 21"W 25"Tall
Dresser 25"L 13"W 27" Tall
Closet 38"W 24"L

I was shooting for the short snubby plants but now I know I need more and better lighting. My goal eventully is to have 3 different strains, 4 plants in each place. Maybe 5 in the closet. That is my goal anyways. All the places are well vented with small electric fans. thanks you guys for the input