Nervous to top lol


Active Member
i believe its has come time for me to top my plants. This is my first grow and i am lightweight nervous to top these babes. I was wondering if anyone knew of any step by step tutorials or videos with good pictures or video so i can see exactly how to do it without messing it up lol. thanks RIU


Active Member
Step 1: Decide what you want out of your top.
Step 2: Plan out in your mind where you will top to get step one.
Step 3: Take scissors and cut stalk right above the last node/s you want to keep.
Step 4 (optional): If your cutting is big enough, why not make her a beautiful clone?

Its honestly not hard at all, and you will only hermie the plant if you screw up and keep slicing the stalk multiple times. The trick to topping is where to make the cut. If you do not know where you want to make the top, or dont have much information about such things and this is your first grow then i advise you to try topping just one plant and letting the others grow naturally. If you would still like a video demonstration im sure i can find something real quick.


Well-Known Member
Very easy. You're just over thinking it buddy. I remember my first grow when I was nervous about topping my plant, and when I did it, I was like wow... there was nothing to it...


Active Member
Step 1: Decide what you want out of your top.
Step 2: Plan out in your mind where you will top to get step one.
Step 3: Take scissors and cut stalk right above the last node/s you want to keep.
Step 4 (optional): If your cutting is big enough, why not make her a beautiful clone?

Its honestly not hard at all, and you will only hermie the plant if you screw up and keep slicing the stalk multiple times. The trick to topping is where to make the cut. If you do not know where you want to make the top, or dont have much information about such things and this is your first grow then i advise you to try topping just one plant and letting the others grow naturally. If you would still like a video demonstration im sure i can find something real quick.
yea the topping one of them and letting it go for a few before i do the others is a great idea! yea honestly ive been searching and all the ones i watch dont help much. i just really care about these plants lol im probably being a little overprotective. do you think you could i can post a pic and you circle on your comp where i am supposed to cut?
thanks man i appriciate it, +rep


Active Member
if you could circle where to cut that would make my day! haha, and do you recommend cutting at an angle or straight?


Active Member
Sure no problem. What are you trying to achieve from topping? More bushy plant, more tops? And cut straight. If you want to make a clone out of the top just cut the angle after you topped.


Well-Known Member
i believe its has come time for me to top my plants. This is my first grow and i am lightweight nervous to top these babes. I was wondering if anyone knew of any step by step tutorials or videos with good pictures or video so i can see exactly how to do it without messing it up lol. thanks RIU
No "lol". You are smart enough to know your limitations and the way you need to learn. Go to YouTube. Search "Topping Marijuana".

"There is no shame in being ignorant but there is in remaining so." - Confucius

"How to Top Marijuana Plants - Topping 101"


Active Member
No "lol". You are smart enough to know your limitations and the way you need to learn. Go to YouTube. Search "Topping Marijuana".

"There is no shame in being ignorant but there is in remaining so." - Confucius
obviously ive already searched youtube.


Active Member
Sure no problem. What are you trying to achieve from topping? More bushy plant, more tops? And cut straight. If you want to make a clone out of the top just cut the angle after you topped.
well i should have said i am running it 12/12 from seed, so i am trying to have more tops. and thanks for doin all that for me!


New Member
Step 1: get a clean pair of scissors.
Step 2: cut stalk at desired node.

If this is too much for you to grasp, maybe knitting would be more your speed... although I heard some of those crochet knots can be trixie as fuck.


Well-Known Member
However did cannabis survive until some of these throwbacks came along is beyond my realm of knowledge. uch delicate ladies, grown in arroyos in Mexico and in the passes of the Hindu Kush range under perfect conditions.

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