Neem Oil

High Tide

Well-Known Member
I have been getting some bouts with powdery mildew on certain plants........all humidity related........neem oil sprayed on leaves takes care of the pm............i had to give a second dose this week..........

Is the residue left on plants from neem oil safe.............if it was vaporized or absorbed into our system?

If it's not good ........i'll go back to using other safer diy concoctions.........



Well-Known Member
How much you paying for that? Have you looked at whats in it? '0.9% neem oil' '99.1% other materials'................I wouldn't be worried if I could be sure it's just Neem and water, but 'other ingredients' is vary vague. It is possible the 'other ingredients' are just water and totally safe, but then you're basically just buying a bottle of water. It's all the warning labels on the back that worry me, You'd be better of getting pure neem oil and mixing your own. Much cheaper and probably safer. If you've got an Indian market or food store local, they sell small bottles of pure neem oil, cheap. Do not be put off if it looks a sludgy mess, that'll be because it's cold, it turns to oil again as it warms up.

However, and this may not be Gospel or be everybody's opinion, but I've suffered PM before. I believe that once you see pm on a plant it has got it, from that point you are only ever going to try to control it, you wont get rid of it.

What stage are your plants in?

If you're already flowering I suppose you'll have to ride it out and control it the best way you can. I wouldn't spray buds with anything but water. Check out, not sure where he is recently but he's just gone through this and done a stellar job.

If they're only young plants, 'I' would seriously consider ditching them as far away from my grow set up as possible and getting new plants going. It'll be a lot less hassle and cheaper in the long run. Your yields will not be as good if you are managing PM.(I'd check others opinions before doing this, but compare the price of a pack of beans to the price of a couple of ounce of lost bud)


Well-Known Member
Neem is your friend always. If you are using 99% or so pure, it must be mixed with about 20% soap(Castile like dr bro nets or dawn in a pinch). Neem is effective over time on many pests from the Borg to fungus gnats. Rinse your plants at harvest. When I have no pest I neem every 2 to 3 wks. When problems arise I spray every 5 days. It is very widely used.


Well-Known Member
I agree with using AACT's to control these things. I haven't used a drop of neem since I got on the aact wagon, and I've never seen PM, or have any bug problems.

that bottle. there's nothing good in there. :)

High Tide

Well-Known Member
I agree with using AACT's to control these things. I haven't used a drop of neem since I got on the aact wagon, and I've never seen PM, or have any bug problems.

that bottle. there's nothing good in there. :)
thanks........i don't know what AACT is?......sorry is it an acronym for something ...your understanding is appreciated......


Well-Known Member
Neem is your friend always. If you are using 99% or so pure, it must be mixed with about 20% soap(Castile like dr bro nets or dawn in a pinch). Neem is effective over time on many pests from the Borg to fungus gnats. Rinse your plants at harvest. When I have no pest I neem every 2 to 3 wks. When problems arise I spray every 5 days. It is very widely used.
that's a LOT of soap man, I just use the smallest drop of dawn ultra in water with protekt and that works by itself.
But 20% soap sounds a lil much, but if it works for you...
Sounds like it'd fry stuff


Well-Known Member
cold pressed organic neem oil and

1-2 drops with about .5 gram of potassium silicate in one gallon of Distilled, is your best bet...I stopped spraying plants altogether, only soil drenches....and piss, never been happier. Bugs have been all but non-existent, find a mite once in a while or see a fruit fluy, bout it....


Well-Known Member try and clear things up, if you're using 1 teaspoon of neem oil, you're adding 1/5 (20%) of a teaspoon of soap?

In proper measurements - 5ml neem - 2ml soap
that does clear it up, I thought he meant 20% of the amount made
Which would made a sudsy mess, and probably fry the plants.
But I got it.
a 5/1 ratio of neem to surfactant, and then the tbsp. per qt.
Still seems a lil strong to me... but I don't like neem oil.


well nuke em is a pretty gentle anti mold and bug spray. just a pia to have to rinse it off after drying esp when your problem is high humidity