Need Supplies!!!!!


Active Member
I decided to grow my own shit.But i need to know what supplies i need.Not anything big or fancy just some affordable easy shit.Thnx:joint:


Well-Known Member
depends. how many plants ur growing. size of ur grow area.


seeds :p

sure theres more. i would of thought this would of been pretty obvious...

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Read the Feq Q&A section on this site, High times site, & most major seed companies has good growing advice. I've been studying the shit for 2 years, still learning. Do your homework first, the shit can get as complicated as you allow it, ie- what kind of grow, Hydro or soil, in or outside, what kind of seeds, how big is your grow room, etc. I dropped a couple grand into growing so far. Read about light, -HPS & MH, track lighting maybe, ebb & flow, ventilation, fans, timers mylar, the shit goes on forever.


Well-Known Member
that is true but ive spent £100 on 6 x 125watt CFL lights (2 veg, 4 flower) and soil an pots.

thats all u need really. its good enough for me. when i flower i will have to buy bigger pots (couple of quid) and some nutes (less than a 10er) so really it can be as big or small, expensive or inexpensive as u want.

heck, ive seen some real ghetto setups on this site,lol


Well-Known Member
Go to

And get a 400 watt hps for $119.95

guranteed you will love yourself later for it.

think you wanna be a lil bigger than your average horticulterist then up it to a 600 digital or 1000 watt mag and youll be golden.