Need some help, shriveld/curled cupped down larger middle leaves with white margins

Middle/upper part of plant leaves effected. Shriveled curled/cupped down leaves 50 percent of margins are discolored white. Top and bottom of plant uneffected. Plants are to close to light right now and light will be moved tomorrow. Is it possible that this is from heat/light. Or is this a deficiency? Any suggestions on what to do?


Well-Known Member
Was the middle of the plant closer to the light than the top? I dont think so. Not light stress unless it was.
Nutrient def can look like a lot of things but what I would sugguest is for you to check your PH and look real close for bugs.
found a couple black things flying around, I put some sticky traps in there and bought some organic three in one bug, fungi and something else spray. Also some of the effected leaves the tips up to a whole inch on the ends are completely white. imagine they'll's very very possible I neglected watering a couple days any chance may water shortage....or....i'll get some pics up thanx though.


Active Member
Your plant could have cupped down leaves from not watering or overwatering,depending on the environment conditions, seeing white on a leaf is a deficiency,not sure what kind for i've never seen it in person before,but definately a deficiency. You should do a complete flush,with 3 times the amount of your medium in gallons,and refertalize with a complet N-P-K formula,also make sure your ph is between 5.5-6.5 no lower no higher,and this will fix your deficiency. Oregon The Chronic State.
theres two plants in there.....big girl gov mule= g13xchocolate chunk One big, one not, big one shows shes way sick n little early stages of whatever is going on.....think its combo of heat stress and def. and or fungi


New Member
that looks like nute burn to me. have you fertilized lately? generally by the time a problem is noticed, the damage is done and you need to try to reverse it.

just as i mentioned in another thread, try flushing your plant with 3x your pot size in clean water (i.e. if your pots a 1 gallon, flush with 3 gallons of water) and see how it looks in a few days. if it improves, water with a high nitrogen fertilizer mixed 1/4 strength and water. that should take care of the problem.

heat stress generally starts showing with the leaf tips crisping.


Well-Known Member
Now I see pics of your plants I got a better idea of whats going on. Looks like you do have a nute def.
Your nutrient soulition probably has the nutrients in it but the plant can not use them. That would point to PH being off.
Looks like nitrogen or phosphorus def.

Heres some info on nute def.

They both look similar at first but you can see the blothches on the second one.
Sorry about over size, I made that one before the change.
First of all thank you, I would guess nitrogen, under a couple leaves there is a purple reddish streak and the whole yellowing. What would you say would b the quikest turn around? should I flush the soil, fix ph and fertilize with a high nitrogen fertilizer? Maybe even mist with fertilizer? Mind you she's flowering.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, it looks like nitrogen def but Im not there so I shot you both.
Your fix sounds good to me but not high nitrogen when you fertilize, start back with 1/2 strenght of your normal ferts but add a little nitrogen, Flush and fix ph might do it by itself if your nutrients have nitrogen in them. I wouldnt mist while there are in flower.
Yeah the ph was insanely acidic......this is only my 4th grow...but the other three produced and I never checked or adjust ph just watered and fertilized lol. So lesson learned more season on my steak. Thanx for the help....oops I threw full strength 15-30-15 back in it.....and......misted.....with light 15-30-15 ...... i should be beaten.. is this bad?


Active Member
Now I see pics of your plants I got a better idea of whats going on. Looks like you do have a nute def.
Your nutrient soulition probably has the nutrients in it but the plant can not use them. That would point to PH being off.
Looks like nitrogen or phosphorus def.

Heres some info on nute def.

They both look similar at first but you can see the blothches on the second one.
Sorry about over size, I made that one before the change.
Where is this source from? Would like to read the full thing


Well-Known Member
Yeah the ph was insanely acidic......this is only my 4th grow...but the other three produced and I never checked or adjust ph just watered and fertilized lol. So lesson learned more season on my steak. Thanx for the help....oops I threw full strength 15-30-15 back in it.....and......misted.....with light 15-30-15 ...... i should be beaten.. is this bad?
Well yea, I would get some water ph it to 6.5 and flush them again in a couple days then not feed for a week. Water yes but not feed. After that feed every other watering. If you foliar spray a plant with buds the water can get stuck in the buds and it causes mold. Believe me, you dont want that shit. Its like instant loss of 25% or more of your harvest.


Active Member
If you are growing in soil you want your pH to be 6.5 to 6.8. 5.5 is way too low.
You have no idea what your talking about, if you have ever read the back of a nutrient bottle you would know strongly, that ONLY PH BETWEEN 5.5-6.5 NO HIGHER NO LOWER. You noobs need to stop giving people false info. it messes them up,and makes their "grow", weak. Keep PH around 5.8-6. Oregon The Chronic State.