need help with lighting and plant yeild.


Active Member
hey guys i just recently came across a 5ftx 6 1/2 - 7ft area.

took this and edited it in photoshop. and made some measurements.

i was wondering, how many plants could i fit here? and what WATT light?
i want all plants to have as much yeild has they can.

what i was working torwds for the first grow. like 10 plants or so. 1000 WATT HPS right? please help. i should start building this week. ill keep you updated wth pics


Active Member
oo oooops forgot that part. for the clones and mother im gunna use a drip system in Rockwool. then for flowering im planning on using a Eb N' Flow system, but if i can just continue to use the drip i think ill just use that . which evers easyer lol everythings gunna be timed. plus the Co2 tank. watered 3 times a day.


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me mate .Are you useing the same space for your mother plant an cuttings or are they housed elswere.another thing you say you want it to be easy well have you thought about a massive planter the whole size of your space it dont get any easyer than that my friend an you get some nice yeilds me an my pal have ust built one again in his little bedroom its 10ftx10ft x15in deep or there abouts in this is going 40plants an to light it were useing 4x600s 1x1000watt lights il post some pics up for ya later


Well-Known Member
oo oooops forgot that part. for the clones and mother im gunna use a drip system in Rockwool. then for flowering im planning on using a Eb N' Flow system, but if i can just continue to use the drip i think ill just use that . which evers easyer lol everythings gunna be timed. plus the Co2 tank. watered 3 times a day.
Watering 3 times a day?


New Member
oo oooops forgot that part. for the clones and mother im gunna use a drip system in Rockwool. then for flowering im planning on using a Eb N' Flow system, but if i can just continue to use the drip i think ill just use that . which evers easyer lol everythings gunna be timed. plus the Co2 tank. watered 3 times a day.
Soil is better and easier..


Well-Known Member
I'd kill for a growing space like that... go on youtube and look up "I grow chronic" its a nine part video and the guy on there builds a nice set-up using almost exactly that same amount of space.


Active Member
hahah yeah, thats exactly where i got all my info :-D great video.

here the place where the clones and mothers are going

i was thinking drip system for the clones and mothers. a Big ass Eb N Flow system for the Flowers.


New Member
hahah yeah, thats exactly where i got all my info :-D great video.

here the place where the clones and mothers are going

i was thinking drip system for the clones and mothers. a Big ass Eb N Flow system for the Flowers.
the maker to the igrowchronic videos is a user on rollitup.
i forget his name but i believe he is a mod. I think thats what he said his video was called........

i have an are i can use about 3 times the size of the space you have marked off but i can only afford the electricity to run a 400watt in that bitch. sad aint it.


Active Member
:-( yeah, that guy is my hero lol, all my friends and i get baked out and watch him lol oh man ahhahahah cracks me the fuck up. <3 For the lights, i figure if you have a 400 watt light running 27/0 it will cost around $40 but you just sell two $20 to your closest buds, when your weeds harvested bam another bill payed. florecents dont cost much to run. well it depends on where ya live i guess :| im lucky, i dont have to really worry about the cost :-D

any who, it gets pretty cold down there around this time. doesnt smell like mold or nothing. so it get lots of already moving air. but ill probly put a osculating fan in side the flowering room. theres a window where i can vent out safley, there is like 12 feet of brush untill anything pedestrain related. ummmm other then that i hope its possible being a first time grower to grow some DANK NUGGS! :weed: + papers =:joint: