need help w/ leaf burn


Active Member
ok so my plant is about two weeks old. and from the beginning of its sprouting the new leaves always come out lookin real nice real green. But after about 2-3 days the leaves start to burn, iv checked the ph of the water and its ok, but i dont have a way to check the ph of the soil, could that be it? any help would be appreciated. :razz:


Well-Known Member
what type of soil are you using? this is common with high nitrogen soils.

EDIT: do the leaves literally burn? aka have burn spots on them, or do they just turn yellow and die?


Active Member
what type of soil are you using? this is common with high nitrogen soils.

EDIT: do the leaves literally burn? aka have burn spots on them, or do they just turn yellow and die?

they actally have burn spots, it'll start at the tip in little brown circles, then the leaves will stop retaining moisture and just dry out. im using a soil called happy frog, but im re-using it from a last grow. could that be it too?