Need help for 2010


Well-Known Member
OK, so I plan to grow outside in southeastern US, and need help on 2 things.

1) Drowning plant issue. Last year I grew all but one of my plants in 5 gallon buckets. And the one that was in the ground drown after the first rain. Anyone got ideas as to how to keep my plants from drowning?The ground around here is mostly hard clay. I planned on putting gravel under the soil for drainage, but someone said that was bad, any suggestions?

2) Good soil. Last year I just used store bought potting soil and added chemical fertilizer. But this year I want to start the soil off great. There are plenty horse and cow pastures around here that i bet owners would be willing to give me their animal shit from. But does anyone got a really great soil mix for outdoors? Or just Suggestions?


Active Member
hey bud im on the same thing, going for biobizz all mix soil. i dont know about the rain...just find a spot high up so it wont get flooded
you need to work a good potting soil into the clay and loosen soil larger than plant root. I dont know how your plant drowned never had any problem with that and an outdoor grow. be careful with manure that you dont burn your plants. you will have to let it compost for a while.


Active Member
I don't know what everybody else on here does, but I have about 2" or so of rocks in the bottom of my buckets as well as three 1/2" holes drilled through the sides of my buckets about 1" up from the bottom. The holes keep the bucket from filling up with water and the rocks help keep the holes from getting clogged. Works for me, anyway...