need help 4ft plant wont bud

Need help my 4 ft plant won't grew fairly quickly and looks healthy and it shares a pot with an aloe vera plant.....its about 4 months old and I put rusty nails in the soil and water it every other day and the temp stays around 90 to 95 degreesduring the day and about 80 at night...and I have another plant that I planted the same day as the 4 ft and its only 1 1/2 ft tall but its already budding and has white and red hairs....but its my question is do I get the 4ft to bud and should itransfer to ground? And about how much water should I give each day?


Well-Known Member
uhm. seeing as how I dont think rusty nails in the soil would ever help a plant, and how I have never heard of doing that. I'm gonna have to say your a troll. also I cant believe your plant is still alive in 95 degree temps.
I dunno wut the hell a troll is...but yea its surviving just fine ...its got baby blue hairs on it...I've never seen that before...and it smells like dro..


Well-Known Member
uhm. seeing as how I dont think rusty nails in the soil would ever help a plant, and how I have never heard of doing that. I'm gonna have to say your a troll. also I cant believe your plant is still alive in 95 degree temps.
You know.....back where I come from the temperaturereaches 110f in the shade and the pot plants grow to like 14 foot, My first grow was in the middle of summer and unprepared, I had room temps of over 100f , four plants worked out to about a lb and a half. tell me pot dies at 95f .


Well-Known Member
as far as for OP though I dunno, I've heard of putting nails in the soil to take advantage of the iron I suppose but thats kinda drastic, How you ended up with a 4 foot tall plant that you probably have no idea of whether its male or female I dunno. I dunno that anyone answered your very basic question but you change the lighting cycle to induce flowering. it sounds like yours is outside and won't flower till the days shorten(which should be soon).


Legal Moderator, Esq.
You do realize Hydro is a growth process....not a strand....just sayin'... And why the hell would you put it in the pot with another plant. I can't even begin to say what the hell the problem could be but I'm pretty sure the fact that you have no friggin clue what you're doing in the first place has a lot to do with it. I've never even heard of blue hairs before flowering.


Well-Known Member
to the op it could be a number of things. it could be it needs a few more weeks to flower because its a different strain. it could be that its a male but i doubt that because males show sex with age and would have likely shown by now. and it could be interrupted photosynthesis, a porch light on or a street light. it needs to have at least 12 hrs of darkness.
Its a female and rusty nails do work I've used it beforso ye and all my plantsyielded more than I expected...and I'm just askin opinions on this specific plant....and I. Know dro is a growth process ...any smoker knows that.... and I'm refering to the strong smell biiiitttcchhh.....


Active Member
uhm. seeing as how I dont think rusty nails in the soil would ever help a plant, and how I have never heard of doing that. I'm gonna have to say your a troll. also I cant believe your plant is still alive in 95 degree temps.
rust nails in soil add iron it works great for soil rrows.also galvanized nails add zinc.a penny will add copper


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Its a female and rusty nails do work I've used it beforso ye and all my plantsyielded more than I expected...and I'm just askin opinions on this specific plant....and I. Know dro is a growth process ...any smoker knows that.... and I'm refering to the strong smell biiiitttcchhh.....
So you're saying hydroponic plants smell stronger than soil grown? Really?
Well at least where I'm from the regular bud is good as hell....but the dro around here is badass cause the shit that's in the from personal experience dro has a stronger smell I'm not just sum guy that judges all weed by local bud...I've smoked all over


Well-Known Member
if you feed it nutes leanign towards P it will initiate the 1st part of the flowering process. K should be the highest nute at all times but for this case high P is what you need cuz it will promote flowering.