Need Expert Opinion!!! Exterminators Coming!!


Well-Known Member
Ok...the main question seems to have been answered, but I caught a detail that stuck out at me.

you say when the light is on and the door is closed, you can see light from the cracks around the door? well what about at night, are you supplying a truly light-proof space?

I probably just missed something that explains this, just thought i'd point it out.

as for the exterminators, I agree with someone else, screw them, padlock your shit, they could be thieves for all you know and that is your space. dont give it a second thought, cuz they probably wont either.

Yeah good point. I'm locking that shit up before we go to bed. And to answer your question about the light leakage. It only leaks from the room out. When it's in darkness it's in DARKNESS. I made sure of that. The plants are in a closet parallel to the door so in a sense they are hidden from any possible if little leakage. We are incredibly careful about that. We have 3 sheets, One white and the last 2 dark black, on the window. No light comes in whatsoever. We replaced our 60w incadescents with 13w Green CFL's so we can move around in there when it's dark. They are thriving. But thanks for pointing that out! Good catch! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Rent a small U-haul and get some wardrobe boxes, box up your plants put them in the u-haul. Drive somewhere are let them bask in the sun for a bit box em back up and put them back after the exterminator has left. It's kind of crazy but sounds fun kind of like that Weeds episode where they had to relocate the entire grow in one day before the fire marshal inspected.
Crazy! I actually thought about that days ago! but too late now. If I ever have to take em outta here for anything that's how i'm doing it! thanks tho, great idea!


Well-Known Member
So the exterminators came and went and we worried for nothing! I just told him "don't do the upstairs bedrooms" and he goes.... "ok". LOL that simple. I feel foolish for freaking out so much. We just didn't want to lose our girls to ANYTHING! So now we are enjoying a wake n bake! Thanks to all for your input!


Well-Known Member
just ask if the spray is pet and plant friendly and tell him your cat is in the bedroom and dont let him in. most sprays these days wont hurt them ( i used to work for a bug spray company)dont leave the light off it will probably them. if you have to shut the light when he shows up and as soon as he leaves turn on. it shouldn`t take him more than a half hour to spray ( depending on house size)


Well-Known Member
just ask if the spray is pet and plant friendly and tell him your cat is in the bedroom and dont let him in. most sprays these days wont hurt them ( i used to work for a bug spray company)dont leave the light off it will probably them. if you have to shut the light when he shows up and as soon as he leaves turn on. it shouldn`t take him more than a half hour to spray ( depending on house size)
Yeah as soon as he saw the cats he said that he uses the same spray in animal hospitals and vets so that answered my first question about the spray itself. So after that I felt better about the future of my plants! He was in and out in less than 5 mins. The lights were off for no more than 10 mins... I used that time to shut off the fans as well and give em a CO2 blast! So far so good. Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
worry and paranoia is probably the biggest cause of getting caught. (besides telling people about grow)
good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear that every thing whent well. I'm back from the bick pick up thing , took 6 hours of driving to go from here to the pickup to here and that's doing the trafic speed limit (120km/h+)


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear that every thing whent well. I'm back from the bick pick up thing , took 6 hours of driving to go from here to the pickup to here and that's doing the trafic speed limit (120km/h+)
Thanks! Well shit, glad your back safely! Good job doing the speed limit! I can't tell you how many times we watch the news and see people getting busted for doing 90 in a 60. Stay Smart!! :peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
I'd be worried about a prick landlord (if he is)..getting the bug man to say your plants CAUSED all those bug's.........Last thing you want is him chasing you for the money... Grim shit dude..


Well-Known Member
I'd be worried about a prick landlord (if he is)..getting the bug man to say your plants CAUSED all those bug's.........Last thing you want is him chasing you for the money... Grim shit dude..
One good thing about that is our landlord is cool to pot. She used to smoke with my wife. However, she's a grandma now and doesn't smoke anymore and i'm sure wouldn't approve of the plants. Maybe back in the day she would have lol But, it's all good. This is a yearly thing. They have come once a year for the last few years now. Mostly precautionary. So, no worries there. Thanks man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Well shit, glad your back safely! Good job doing the speed limit! I can't tell you how many times we watch the news and see people getting busted for doing 90 in a 60. Stay Smart!! :peace: :joint:
well we were doing 20+ over the speed limit:twisted:

Yea I'm glad that I'm hole lol even though I trust his driving


Well-Known Member
So the exterminators came and went and we worried for nothing! I just told him "don't do the upstairs bedrooms" and he goes.... "ok". LOL that simple. I feel foolish for freaking out so much. We just didn't want to lose our girls to ANYTHING! So now we are enjoying a wake n bake! Thanks to all for your input!
The exterminator was probably a stoner anyway. Anyone who sprays chemicals for a living has to get a contact high off it and like it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Dont let the others make you think you are paranoid. It could just as easily have been a big problem if he was instructed to spray the whole house. You were right to want to organize a plan ahead of time. You never know when something gets serious, if nothing ends up happening you might think oh i over reacted, but if it goes the other way then youll be so glad you prepared.