Need advice ASAP!


Hey guys,

Im starting a grow, i have a 125w CFL blue for veg and a 600w hps for flowering.

The problem is my CFL reflector was meant to arrive today, but I have been informed it will not be here til monday, and my seeds are already germinating.

My question is should i use the HPS for 2 days or will it burn the baby plants? Or will a normal lightbulb in a highly reflective room work for 2 days until i get the reflector.

Please help me!



Well-Known Member
run out to Home depot, and get one of those clip-on work lamps, and throw a 100W equivalent in it. you'll be fine. if you intend to indoor garden, you'll use the extra light you purchased sooner or later.


Active Member
first few days you could use about anything i would think . If you use hps make sure it's up real high . I would run down and get a 26w cfl to hold you over . I had a tomato in a coffee can dwc under one 26w cfl for about a week before moving it into my room .


Thanks guys! I have found a air cooled reflector without a ballast that seems to work with the CFL, the glass tubular ones, should I just use this with the 125w even though it doesnt need cooling? (e.g. without fan/ducts)

Pat the stoner

New Member
After I germinate seeds I put them in small cups under flourescent lights 2-3 weeks later I move them under a 600w mh to veg until flowering and then I switch them to 600w hps . I noticed that they grow faster under the flourescents for the first few weeks , the mh puts out a lot of heat and they cant get too close to it (about 3 feet) , while the flourescents can be 2 inches from them and flooded with light . I also have dimmable ballasts and I turn it down at first then gradually bring it up to full as I think the plants can handle the full light - about 10 days depending on how the plants respond to it . That's just me it doesn't mean that's the only way , just how I do it . I burned the shit out of some young plants when I first started using the 600 so now I take it easy and really watch how they respond to everything - watering , light , temp , humidity and ph . Hope this helps you . Also theres some vids on youtube -Jorge Cervantes - a very knowledgable grower who takes it step by step and you can watch them over and over in case you miss something - which is why I like them . Good luck .


After I germinate seeds I put them in small cups under flourescent lights 2-3 weeks later I move them under a 600w mh to veg until flowering and then I switch them to 600w hps . I noticed that they grow faster under the flourescents for the first few weeks , the mh puts out a lot of heat and they cant get too close to it (about 3 feet) , while the flourescents can be 2 inches from them and flooded with light . I also have dimmable ballasts and I turn it down at first then gradually bring it up to full as I think the plants can handle the full light - about 10 days depending on how the plants respond to it . That's just me it doesn't mean that's the only way , just how I do it . I burned the shit out of some young plants when I first started using the 600 so now I take it easy and really watch how they respond to everything - watering , light , temp , humidity and ph . Hope this helps you . Also theres some vids on youtube -Jorge Cervantes - a very knowledgable grower who takes it step by step and you can watch them over and over in case you miss something - which is why I like them . Good luck .
Thanks man, really good information I also burned my first grow with a 600 hps :( This is my second, can i use a heat tube reflector with a CFL for a couple days?


Ursus marijanus
DonGap, for the first coupla weeks you can run the fluorescent without a reflector. Placing it in a closed hood without a fan ... I can't recommend that since the bulb will get hot, perhaps hotter than design temp ... in which case it might burn out sooner. cn


DonGap, for the first coupla weeks you can run the fluorescent without a reflector. Placing it in a closed hood without a fan ... I can't recommend that since the bulb will get hot, perhaps hotter than design temp ... in which case it might burn out sooner. cn
didnt think about that cheers mate, i dont have a lamp for it and I live in the UK the only sockets i have to fit the bulb are the reflectors and the other is 600w ballast :[


its been 24 hours and the seeds havent sprouted any roots in the tissue, they do however look like they have swolen up abit is this normal?