My Second Grow. 5 Different Plants (2046, Big Bang, Skunk #11, Chronic, Critical 47)

Hello y'all

After a very successfull grow last year I started my loft grow 3 weeks ago. Currently have 5 plants under a single 600w HPS. Originally had 6, but the Power Plant lost the will to live just after sprouting :sad:
My setup is pretty ghetto (Single desk fan, 99p Store car windscreen reflectors) but they seem to be doing pretty well so far, apart from a bit of 'bumpy leaf syndrome' on the big bang, and some yellowing on the chronic.

The 2046 and the Critical 47 were planted 4 days after the others due to taking ages to germ, but they seem to have caught up nicely. Gave them all their first weak dose of nutes yesterday. Thinking of topping them soon, But not 100% sure. Might just top the indica ones as I have read that sativa's arnt huge fans of decapitation. Views?

Anyhoo.. here they are, My beautiful babies

Critical 47.jpgBig Bang.jpgOverhead.jpgSkunk11.jpgWithlight.jpgChronic.jpg2046.jpgGhetto.jpg