My plants are doing bad,please help + magnesium,epsom how much.


New Member
So its my first grow,and im doing alot of mistakes,I get perfect growth for 3-5 days and then everything seems total disaster again,and it repeats over and over...
So my ferts have only this:
NPK 14-7-7,B,CU,Fe,MN,ZN
First I have alot of problems and plants burn because I found out my ferts dont have magnesium.So I bought some epsom salt,it fixed some problems but not completely,I mixed in new soil some dolomite limes and other lime,both mg+ca,but Ive read they react very slow..Ive been giving my plants food with 3table spoons/ gallon of water (since they had deficiency and no mg in ferts) im little overfeeding now.Plants are 55 days old,but I think they are quite small...So plants problems...
1.Is that dark green,basicly black top is nitrogen toxity as I understand yes?
2.I feed epsom foliar spray,I put 3tb spoons per gal to cover all deficiency,why I still get leaves turning with other green color?
3.Some of leaves are lime green,like one half is normal,another one is lime green,not enough nitrogen?
My main help,pls look at tips turning green,middle leaves,and let me know what it might be in your opinion...Plants are 2 months in veg and 40cm wide and like 35cm tall,3 smaller ones...I dont think it look good.
How much epsom you would recommend for 2 months old plants? Should I give nutes at double rate? Calcium I dont know how to give...Im hoping dolomite will start to work soon enough and heall it,I tried egg shells...not sure if it worked.
I have 8 plants in almost 2month veg and still not cover 4x4 are pics.



Well-Known Member
Yea, one of those pictures shows a leaf that is for sure enduring some lack of Mg. Your doing a good thing with the foliar feeding, what are your pH'ing the water to, and what is the temp of the water you are foliar feeding with?

Also, you mentioned plant nutrients, and the ratio you posted having a 14 for nitrogen which is double the amount that the nutrients have of P and K.