my leaves


Active Member
ok guys im 28 days into flower, buds look great!

But I think I'm underfeeding... went in there today and there was a lot of dead brown leaves. Took about 40 off each, sounds like a lot but its not... Off very bottom. Pots were bone dry, but I give 4-5 gallons every other day. Big girls by the way.each ones easy 4-5' round in 20 gallon pots, GH maxi in ocean forest. Each under 1k... Also, took my runoff, only 850, I feed 1000-1200 every watering.

I Dont think there's any buildup, as runoffs below my feeding level. I use bennies too. PH was good.

I Dont think the pots drying out would cause that. Would it?

Looks like it needs nitrogen and phosphorus.

. Also got a few purple stems...

Am I wrong?

Check out pics...



Active Member
your dry by the end of the next day? if they are drinking that much u might be root bound and your roots are competing for nutes and not getting enough. I'd up your feeding dose for sure.


Active Member
I do have nice roots, but I wouldn't think they would be root bound in a 20 gallon pot, but they are big AF...and if they are there is nothing I can do about it now

I just wanted to get a few people's opinions before I add a booster to my regiment,

I imagine the consensus is I'm under feeding?

Check out the size. Those are in 30 gallon garbage cans, with a few inches cut off



Well-Known Member
4 or 5 gallons of water every other day do you get any run off I would not think so,??? I use a 7 gallon air pot and water every 3rd day and give her 3 gallons with just alittle run off, saturate the soil more, may have dry spots in the soil water alittle and wait 5 min then water more so it wets evenly threwout the pot?? just suggestions ,dam they look good I love the scrog method ,, you give them ferts that strong at every watering??????


Active Member

First off root bound in 20g 30g pots if fkkn hilarious. Why do you grow these to this size? Wait, that's a dumb ?. How old are these plants? Have you ever done this before? Maybe have a wet and dry weight from previous grow.

Second can't say you've done a lot of searching because yellowing leaves in the flowering phase is very natural, as well as purple stems overall throughout the entire grow. Purple stems are usually due to temp fluctuation, but whadda fkk do I know I've never grown full blown TREES!