my ghetto grow first grow

well i am about to start my first grow, and its going to be one hell of a ghetto grow. im growing inside, in a cardboard box, with a homemade fan and 1 cfl light i had in my house. like i said ghetto. i will be using bage seeds, and i am going to grow em in a shot glass. (check out this thread this grow is for the hell of it i want to produce some bud but its more of a practice run. and if you ar wondering why a shot glass, its cuz i am using one light and i dont want it growing to large. the fan is made from a pop can and a 6v dc motor i had in my room. the cardboard box is small one of those dvr boxes, the inside has tin foil and flat white printer papper.

im going to grow about 4-5 mini plants, i have quite a few seeds and i am going for all fems so if i get some males i kill those and plant some new ones. wile growing i am going to practice LST, toping ect... i hope to get good at it so i can produce some good dank some day when i get a job.

posts are asome and some rep would be to
still waiting for the seeds to germ and i am exited as hell, i have em germing in a wet paper towel and i have cheched on them every 6 hours and they seem to be doing good. but i was wondering if i should of planted them strait in dirt or if im doing it corect. ill post some pics when they show....


you should just grow in some cups, shot glasses are small and even if you want to stay small with these the shot glass might not have enough room for their roots. The people in the contest now what their doing to the T. Its good though that your going to practice all this tuff like LST and topping itll get you prepared for when you have a nice grow and have a plant you dont want to fuck up. While growing also learn sexing its simple and at the end, if you removed your males, its more worth it even with the less yield.
you should just grow in some cups, shot glasses are small and even if you want to stay small with these the shot glass might not have enough room for their roots. The people in the contest now what their doing to the T. Its good though that your going to practice all this tuff like LST and topping itll get you prepared for when you have a nice grow and have a plant you dont want to fuck up. While growing also learn sexing its simple and at the end, if you removed your males, its more worth it even with the less yield.
thx i was thinking about that to day that a cup would be better. i have lernd about how to determin sex of the plants but practice dose make perfect. check back once in awile i will have some pics up and you can see how im doing and shit well thx again