My First Grow Ever, Outdoors


Hey guys this is my first grow ever.. Just seeds that I kept from previous purchases and decided to see if they would germinate.. Supprise! they did when I had little hopes for them. As they have matured, I have been very curious as to when they will develop the typical leaf shape. will keep updating!

2010-07-16 08.55.35.jpg2010-07-17 17.17.07.jpg2010-07-16 08.55.57_Wrentham_Massachusetts_US.jpg2010-07-17 17.17.00.jpg2010-07-12 16.33.01.jpg2010-07-21 15.24.49.jpg2010-07-12 16.32.46.jpg2010-07-17 17.16.44.jpg2010-07-16 08.55.49_Wrentham_Massachusetts_US.jpg2010-07-16 08.55.26.jpg2010-07-12 16.35.19_Wrentham_Massachusetts_US.jpg2010-07-12 16.32.55.jpg2010-07-17 17.16.35.jpg2010-07-09 17.24.07.jpg2010-06-28 19.55.00.jpg2010-07-09 17.23.42.jpg2010-07-09 17.23.59.jpg2010-07-09 17.23.52.jpg

unfortunately, the pictures are out of order but you can get the general idea
just to make it easier, this is the latest and greatest pic from today

2010-07-21 15.24.49.jpg


oh by the way, I am using miracle grow organic for tomatoes and it seems to be working great.


welp, thanks for being a dick. Thats why I asked what the hell they are... Its strange though, the 3 seeds were all from different bags and they all look like that... wtf? The seeds even looked exactly like marijuana seeds


Dude grow it out for like 2 months, harvest and smoke that shit.
haha yeah right.. Im just going to let it keep growing since I already started them. Its pretty dissapointing & very confusing though.. I literally took the seeds straight from the bud and collected them for a couple of months. soooo strange that they turned out to be mint.
haha yeah right.. Im just going to let it keep growing since I already started them. Its pretty dissapointing & very confusing though.. I literally took the seeds straight from the bud and collected them for a couple of months. soooo strange that they turned out to be mint.
damn, super schwag