My first Grow. 30 Plants!!!


Well-Known Member
Last week i started my plants in dirt and they are now all 30 showing stem or stem and leaves! At 7 days now and i think they are looking pretty good. I have 2 48" flourescents and 4 50 watt CFLs with textured aluminum reflectors. once i added the cfls the plants really took off. i was very impressed. i need to learn the cycle. do i give them light 24/7 or split it with darkness or what is the best. i have about an 8x8x8 room with a miniture creek running through it to the sump pump. i have some miracle grow 12-4-8 liquid plant food and distilled water. perfect mix expert grow soil with feeding up to 9 months. 2 big flowing fresh air into the room and cooling the light fixtures, one ocilating on the plants. i will have pics up shortly but still help me in the mean time. how much weight can i expect with 30 big bud plants??? how long does it take and can i regrow these same plants??? Thank you all who help me.


my recommendation... don't use the preferted soil
get some "soilless" potting mix, cuz the other stuff can be tricky avoiding nute burn and whatnot (cuz you never really know just how much is in the soil and when and how much is released)

other than that... i recommend with the floro's to use a 24/7 cycle of lights... 18/6 is often used by those who are watching electric bills and whatnot and need to cut down on high watt bulb usage...

also with that lighting, 30 plants is an awful lot... with the cfls/floro tubes i really wouldn't flower more than 2 plants, cuz the floros don't give off a strong enough light to cover lots of area

besides the soil change and maybe think about upping your lighting to HID, its a good grow room it seems...


Well-Known Member
yeah i heard about the soilless...but i was thinking if the plants can start growing in it and accept that much with out burning from food and nutes in it then i could add my mix of nutes added to the soil to kinda supercharge them?? How much and where would i get a good HID kit to light these plants and why only flower 2 plants out of 30? I have been leaving the lights on 24/7. how about watering? how much and how often?

Thank you


New Member
doesn't work like that to supercharge the nutes..get soilless...upgradelights to a 400 wattmh an a 600wtthps...thats the perfect light combo for the 8x8


oh, and for watering, for seedlings just keep the soil most with a spritzer, once you get some leaves water whenever an inch deep in the soil feels dry (just stick yer finger in, you can tell if its moist or not)


Well-Known Member
ok i am going today to look into a hps light and fixture are these 110 outlet or 220? and also making some artificial C02 today to add to the grow room