My first ever grow

my grow room was made on a cheap budget, so its not the best setup but my plants seem to be doing fine under 2 23 watt soft white fluorescents.

currently my grow contains 2 plants. i have one plant 4 days over 1 month, and a seedling that sprouted yesterday. Im not sure on strain because i got it from a bag i bought a few months back

Are you side lighting? I'm considering adding some tube florescents for side lighting my next grow. Good luck, how long until you bloom?
Im planning to bloom when she reaches 2 months. and currently I am not doing any side lighting, simply because shes growing in a small box under 2 23 watt cfl's. However I am planning on building a cabinet in short time, where side lighting will be added.

Both pictures again are from 3 days ago, just felt I should show the environment she is in


So this morning i went into my grow room and saw plenty of dead leafs on my baby due to lack of light hitting the lower leaves, but my new box should be built this weekend where I will add some side lighting. In other news I received my seeds in the mail yesterday, but have to go pick up the seeds at the post office.

edit: I took some new pictures of my second plant thats at 3 weeks.


My plant has reached 2 months and I am deciding to bud her. Now to hope im patient enough to wait for the buds.

aswell i started the rest of my crop in a second room, which should contain 3 bubbelicios and 2 white widow. however only 1 has sprouted and the others have been germinated and planted.

My final plant had some problems and is a month old as of 2 days ago, atleast after surgery the plant stopped showing the problem.

In other news I rebuilt my grow box into a cabinet thats 3'w x 2'd x 4'h.


My plant is finally showing signs of being female :lol:. As well I have 3 bubbelicious sprouts, 1 white widow and I am waiting on the other 2 ww sprouts to come in, but plan on starting a second journal for them with more details.



New Member
They're coming along well. How many watts you got in the rig now? How many plants in there? You're doing good for what you got but I think you would see great benefit from more light.
I agree i need more light, right now im at about 140 watts in clfs (actual wattage is around 600) and I have this plant only budding, but the room was built for my next operation which will contain somewhere around 9- 12 plants which i will be making a new journal for soon


New Member
Nice I look forward to your next journal. It isn't 600 actual watts's a 600 watt equivalent to incandescent bulbs which are horrible inefficient and suck for growing. When someone says they're wattage they will never rbe referencing their wattage equiv, just fyi. Are you going to use CFL's for your next grow or go with the HID's?
For my next grow im sticking with cfl's though I plan on eventually getting a better light system, though after that grow I plan on selling a bunch of it to get a bit of a fund to move to bc as I dont like the town I am in, but dont have the money available to move. So i suppose whatever money is left after I move (if it fits in my budget) will be put to my grow room