"My" brain?


Well-Known Member
Are you your brain? Is your brain.. you?

Confused yet?

Where does your brain end and where do you begin?

Why do we refer to ourselves in this way? "My arm", "My leg", "My, etc."..?

Aren't you just as much your leg as you are your arm or your tongue or your toe?

If you were involved in some accident that resulted in you being cut in half, horizontally, at the waist, no doubt most people would agree that the part of you that makes up "you" would be the top part, above the waist

But why?

What if a similar accident cut your body off at your neck? Through some miracle of science, we were able to keep you alive. What would you say then? ~90% of your physical body has been removed, all that remains is your head and neck. Is that you? Is everything you "are" confined inside of your head? If we save that, have we saved "you"?

What if I cut your brain in half, vertically? Which side is "you"?

Likewise, if I cut your brain in half horizontally, which side do "you" make up?

What makes us us? Where can it be found in the brain?


Well-Known Member
erm i don't know how to answer this sorry, please give me 2 minutes while i call my brain.

" hi brain "

" hi you "

"ermm are you me?"

"hmm good question"

"i thought i was you"

"yea me too, hey lets talk louder and see if anyone else answers, they might be others here"


" dude, who you talking to ?"

"you said shout and see if anyone could here us"

"ha ha !! yea you did ... troll :P "

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Well-Known Member
You are only energy stored as matter and in time your atoms will fall apart degrading to a lower state, so are you even you at all?


Well-Known Member
Traumatic brain injuries show that 'we' are processed in various parts of our brains, such that injuries to these parts result in repeatable and predictable disabilities.

So once we get to the brain, who we are can no longer be effectively subdivided.
Perhaps "we" are the energy created by 2 opposing forces, Left & Right in an cerebral orbit.

Edit: I love wake and bake.