My 2 Bagseeds:Growing@Random-Outdoor/IndoorGrow


Well-Known Member
looking good just one cola try to move some light and see if you can get some lower bud spots
That will be kind of tough on the count of the sun being my light source. I rotate her when I can to get some light on the lower half. Her top cola might just get harvested a few weeks before the rest of her if she continues to grow this way, her bottom half is growing slow but she's comming along, she gettin stink too!


Well-Known Member
- Day 52 from seed
- Day 49 flowering
- 4 weeks & 1 day budding;-)

Well on the count of the crazy weather and whatnot, I moved the girl that's in flower back under the 150 watt HPS and I think she is more fond of the indoor conditions.

Gave her a full dose of bloom nutes yesterday and thought it would be all gravy, checked on her no more than 3 hours later and her leaves were curling burn spots everywhere!.:-(..gave her an emergency flush with about 1 - 1 1/2 gallons of pure water. She seems to have bounced back strong.

(It's kind of tough to see brown spots on leaves under the orange spectrum light)

Anywhoo..she is about halfway through flowering and her bottom half is just starting to get a good set of leaves on them..still no signs of pistils yet but I'm sure they'll pop up later than sooner.

???About the burned areas.. Could I trim the damaged areas of the leaves off?..or would it matter if I cut them or left them on?:dunce:
Besides burning her to a crisp..everything is in order.

I forgot to update my youngest lady but she is doing okay. I know she is a girl for sure because she is taking her precious time to grow:lol:....



kush fario

Well-Known Member
bongsmilieoh dam she did not like those nutes! id keep her on just water with maybe 1 drop of mg all purpose ever 3 waters to keep some nutes in so its not defficient but not over loaded make sure your nutes are water soluble or they wont get flushed out and for the leaf question. they will probably fall off on there own make sure you keep an eye on her and show her lots of love! peace man :bongsmilie:


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieoh dam she did not like those nutes! id keep her on just water with maybe 1 drop of mg all purpose ever 3 waters to keep some nutes in so its not defficient but not over loaded make sure your nutes are water soluble or they wont get flushed out and for the leaf question. they will probably fall off on there own make sure you keep an eye on her and show her lots of love! peace man :bongsmilie:
awesome tips bro already know

kush fario

Well-Known Member
thank you and im getting a new grow started 10 bagseed 1 medicinal bag seed 1 og kush and 4 purple kush and your grow inspired me to put some plants on 12/12 from seed and other ones start at 18/6 then switch them over into flower later and see the differences how does she look now full recovery?


Well-Known Member
thank you and im getting a new grow started 10 bagseed 1 medicinal bag seed 1 og kush and 4 purple kush and your grow inspired me to put some plants on 12/12 from seed and other ones start at 18/6 then switch them over into flower later and see the differences how does she look now full recovery?
Awesome bro!. Can't wait to watch that one. She is recovering just fine. I clipped off a few of the burned leaves and now her new leaves are coming in with no signs of deficiency. I have her on 1 TBs of molasass per gallon now to give her a little chunkyness since she only has a few more weeks. I have a nice update comming Tuesday on her 6th week of flwr.

P.S Let me know whenever you start your grow bro.


Well-Known Member
- Day 68 from seed
- Day 61 flowering
- Day 41 budding

I did some back tracking and saw that I messed up the days from seed/flowering/budding on the last post.

But all has been corrected. She actually makes 6 weeks budding tomorrow.
Minor mistake that a little elementary math could handle :-P

So I'm going to be starting her flush on friday and see how the 2 week flush goes. I hear that some people even do 3 weeks of flushing but she is so small I don't think that would be necessary.

To flush i'll use sugar water and molasses. Now I only heard about this method and it adds taste to the buds. I have never tried the sugar water but I know for a fact that molasses helps beef up the buds in the finishing days.
If anyone has tried the sugar water flush before please do tell me how it went.

This has been a great fun experiment..I've learned alot and would do a 12/12 from seed again but on a larger scale.

Okay heres some sugar shots and some size comparisons. Enjoy gals and guys:leaf:



Well-Known Member
looks good hopefully she will fill out a little more and hope shes a good smoke!
You i both hope so. I guess she'll fill out a bit more in the next 2 weeks. I think the 7th and 8th weeks is where they start showing thier true colors and get plump. If's still been a fun experiment with some smoke to show:weed:


Active Member
She recovered well from the burn, I know u must b getting anxious.
BTW, im still jealous of the pix u r able to get.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
You i both hope so. I guess she'll fill out a bit more in the next 2 weeks. I think the 7th and 8th weeks is where they start showing thier true colors and get plump. If's still been a fun experiment with some smoke to show:weed:
yea it should. but even if it doesent it still looks like it was fun growing that little girl. even if you let it go 9 maybe 10 weeks thc will degrade a little bit and become more narcotic of a smoke i mean it will become a more night time indica like smoke. peace man and have fun :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Had to chop her today..Lights came on and she looked like she commited suicide, she started smelling like she was drying ( a fruitish smell). Batteries are charging now Pics later on. Not really eye I know I went wrong somewhere down the line. More than likely it was with the flush. I used corn syrup and sugar water to test it out..that may have had something to do with it. Anyway..i'm going to start trimming her airy ass up. Pics later on.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
shitty to hear i would have let her go a few more days because all the energy the plant had would have went to the bud i dont use organic fert like you ive herd mollasses works better than corn syrup but i could be wrong as ive never compared. cant wait too see the pics im guessing you wont have much bud i suggest making cannabutter or some preem hash it will go farther than just bud and ou seem like the kind who likes to experiment with ganja ooh yea and HAPPY MOFUCKING CANADA DAY!!!! Have fun with that little chopped down girl :peace:


Well-Known Member
shitty to hear i would have let her go a few more days because all the energy the plant had would have went to the bud i dont use organic fert like you ive herd mollasses works better than corn syrup but i could be wrong as ive never compared. cant wait too see the pics im guessing you wont have much bud i suggest making cannabutter or some preem hash it will go farther than just bud and ou seem like the kind who likes to experiment with ganja ooh yea and HAPPY MOFUCKING CANADA DAY!!!! Have fun with that little chopped down girl :peace:
Good to see i have some positive support but I'm just going to let her dry and then cure her tiny ass the old fashioned way..I have plenty bud to hold me over till then, I'm pretty much done with being a ganja scientist for now, Time to just sit back and enjoy this beautiful weather we're having this summer. Stay positive bro. I'm in america by the way lol the 4th will be a blast!.PCE

kush fario

Well-Known Member
canada here haha got er done on the first lol man if u just cure that plant id put money on it being fucking horible no offence but premature buds imo sucks donky balls haha but personal choice man


Sorry to bump n old thread. Just wondering how she smoked in the end? Also how much did u get of her roughly? Take easy :)