Multiple Plants vs. Single Plant

Anybody have any input as far as to the change in yeilds, what would be more or less efficient. Lets say 250w HPS, scrog, would you prefer to run multiple plants or just the single large plant? Is the SOG really a preference, where it will not necessarily increase yeilds? I envision a single plant, scrog, with a very large container, yeilding a vicious amount because of maximum light exposure and zero competition between other plants.


Active Member
you would have a longer veg with one plant to fill the space in but then you would want a 5 gallon pot or bigger. 10 gal rubbermaid tote with drainage holes for example. Single bud plants in 6 inch pots would yield better maybe but the watering and drainage has to be right on to get more yield. drip system and flood and drain help but you need an air pump, air stone, aquarium tubing, air stone and fish emulsion or dyna gro grow, etc. also drip tubing spaghetti tubing and emitters.


Active Member
If I was doing 250w I'd probably do 2-3 plants max for your max yields... BTW LOVE THE BUBBLES PIC HAHAA!! "He's a good kitty he's just messed up on the dope." lmfao


Active Member
A guy like me, given the right conditions, hedging all my pro's, con's and liabilities, would feel pretty good with 2-3 gallon, well trained plants under it. Until I had a grow or two under it and things started getting tweaked by default and something else works out better for the time.


Well-Known Member
i prefer 1 plant personally but more info such as lighting medium and such would allow for a better answer if you run 1 or 2 plant hydro ud be able to get an optimal yeild unde your smal light with scrog