multi colored leaf


Well-Known Member
Well 90 is pushing the heat a little bit, the plants will slow to a crawling grow not a vigorous grow like you want. Stay away from MG it is just to wild of a product. Check the pH of your soil get some soil test kits.


never mind i just checked on them and now there back to normal of them is budding the otherone is drooping..but thats because of alot of rain that came in yesterday...should perk up tomorrow
my plants are doing the same exact thing. think its nute difficient. sprayed some bonide tomato spray on them couple days ago and seemed to help. i live on the east coast also and the weathers the same here. i only water them every other day cuz its too far of a walk to do it everyday. could be why also.


my plants are doing the same exact thing. think its nute difficient. sprayed some bonide tomato spray on them couple days ago and seemed to help. i live on the east coast also and the weathers the same here. i only water them every other day cuz its too far of a walk to do it everyday. could be why also.
what state? mabye its just this crazy weather