Mother Plants


I need to start growing my mother clone plants. My other plants are hydro grown but the mothers don't need to be. I am looking at a DWC system ("Bucketeer") for various reasons but I am open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance!!


Thanks. I know the lighting isn't a big deal but was wondering if a DWC system is appropriate for Mommy's.


Well-Known Member
i would not suggest a DWC for moms because it needs to be maintained at the right temps in all seasons since moms are grown all through the will also be changing airstones and pump. i would suggest growrocks with drip system or hempy buckets, or flood/drain, thats much less temperature sensitive. add to it that moms dont need to be grown at maximum rate, because lighting is not max so a simple handwatering hempy buckets would be simplest. thats how i kept them for years under fluro tubes shoplights and they gave me much more clones than really needed