Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC


Well-Known Member
I've got a half acre. Hey, it's a start!

I am in somewhere in San Berdoo county in a damn flight path. I get soooooo many helicopters from every agency you can imagine. Cannabis outdoors would get spotted so fast. I do have plans to grow a garden back there eventually though. I have a bunch of fruit trees, and most of my backyard is undeveloped. I would love to get some grapes going back there and a veggie garden. Soon.


Well-Known Member
Where to begin?

I went out back this morning and set up the seedling trays in the sun. There was a nice breeze so I took off the domes and let the babies dance in the wind for the first time :)

Did some weeding around the yard and some pruning of the roses and the grapes. Added some worm-poop-enhanced Sunshine #4 to the tops of the seedling cups that had settled down.

Finally finished the top on the second blueberry cage. Ran out of light so I will take pictures tomorrow. We decided not to bother building the third cage because we are going to build a big cage around that whole corner of the yard. 20' x 40' x 10 feet high sloping up to 12 feet high on the North side. This will cover them all :)

Decided not to build a deck floor and will use the natural soil as my planting area instead. I will repurpose the cages for composting or worm farming or maybe chickens :P

The lumber arrives on Wednesday!

Here are some pictures.


Jasmine waterfall:


Prickly Pear:

Front Avocado:




Well-Known Member
Those yins are a bit early to be leaning how to dive Mo!!!! :)

We had a jasmine a couple of years back that we put outside, it grew along ort fence and was fantastic. As soon as winter comes though they just die off. My neighbour managed to have one growing for a couple of years (his was in rather large built beds.) But eventually his died as well. Real shame as I just love their smell and delicate flowers. Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I almost forgot one of my stories!

The brownie tray is almost empty. I may try some beer or other means to try and coax these little bastards to get with the program. I am still very happy with the results!

Here is how we started:

Brownie tray today:

The last Ace of Spades has a taproot and is poking its head out! It has been moved to the big kid tray :)

The last Malawi x MozPoz (MalMo) baby is trying. It has a root but it has not quite gotten its shit together. We will see how it's doing tomorrow.

The others are not showing any signs of popping :P

I read a cool article about seed germination and it had some info about GA and how it pops old seeds and promotes better root formation (in the right dosage). It also talked about scraping and soaking in acid to remove the outer coating. Some seeds require smoking to simulate forest fire conditions. My favorite one is using beer :)

The best info it had was about how water should be neutral (pH 7) when germinating seeds. Acid or Base will inhibit growth. I will post it tomorrow if I remember. I am running on fumes now and some of them are escaping through the back of my pants :P

Cheers, see you in the morgen,

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i now have garden and greenhouse envy. lol. never seen jasmin like that since i was in tunisia. huge bushes lining the roads. man awesome stuff mo!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! It is growing up the side of the Cedar tree. A couple of years ago the neighbor's grapes were growing up there also. When we cleared out the vines in the fall the tree was full of huge bunches of grapes up there. Two of them would fill a paper grocery bag to the top. We filled 7 bags!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i need to get out of the uk so badly. it hurts. the weather sucks, crime is rife & the government are killing the economy. i need a sunny med state and a green card. though i think more likely i'll end up in italy. worse places to be though for sure.

good rape vines are a wondrous pleasure, my grandfathers took many years before it gave fruit and he was so fond he dug it up when they moved, took the greenhouse and the vine to the new place lmao. your white or red?


Well-Known Member
Thompson Seedless. The neighbors were just the common green ones. I tried to grow Concord grapes but I think they need to get colder than it does here. My first vines I brought over from our first house in 1989. The last of those just died this winter. I just keep pulling up runners and putting them around the yard and they take off! I gave my Brother In Law a few cuttings 3 years ago and now his whole back yard is full of grapes :)


Well-Known Member
The longer you keep your vines root stock, the better your grapes get. I remember in my old house, for years we had a few vines that did much better than the others every season, but after a few years of establishment, all of the stragglers became our best producing and tasting grapes. We had enough grapes to go around for all the neighbors, family, friends, and co-workers for weeks and weeks!

Roots on GSC Thin Mint, Jack the Ripper, and Blue Dream. You and 2 other growers get to test these GSC clones before I do. Lol, I rely on a lot of favors, so my first clone crop is going everywhere but my own farm, lol. Definitely works out for me though.

I want a 20 acre farm somewhere with good light and plenty of water!
You fund it and I'll run it, lol.


Well-Known Member
How is the trim? What did you think of the smell? I had forgotten how good it smelled until I defrosted those bags :)

Did you see the sticky Mulanje buds? Did you try some?


Well-Known Member
Damn this thread rules, been a good day of posts. Makes me excited to get down to the vineyard next year!!

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
I love macro pictures and how they bring the microscopic world to our eyes. I am amazed at all of the variation in structure and color from seeds to flowers and every point in between.

Today I was reveling in the beauty of the stem colors on the seedlings. So I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy :)

Purple Stem - Mulanje FB x MozPoz FB #6

Gold Stem - Holy Smoke Mulanje Gold #2

Green Stem - TGA Ace of Spades #3

Purple Stem - TGA Ace of Spades #1

Green Stem - TGA Jilly Bean

Gold Stem - Mr J's PakiPunch #5



Well-Known Member
I`m glad you share Mo, unlike me you must`ve been a good sandbox kid ;). That MozPoz is going to have my eye, looking great. Awesome shots brother, same camera you suggested for myself? Excellent Mo :clap:

KC :weed: