MMJ Pers. Grow Cab. Help/Suggestions

What's up everyone?
So Im a complete newb at growing, I've been a connoisseur for a long time and just obtained my CO mmj card. Sick and tired of paying 400 an oz. for quality meds and using ALOT of medication regularly bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie I want to start growing my own. I'm looking for a grow cab that is hydroponic and can produce a min. of 8 ounces every 90 days. As a med patient with access to dispensaries i dont have the need for a clone/mother factory. I can get clones down the street :-D but I want a cab i can veg and flower in. Money is somewhat of an isue (ie i dont want to spend $1500)! Also, I'm not a diy'er at all so thats out of the question. I'm sure this thread exists a hundred times over and if it does kindly post the link and ill check there! (Lazy toker here) Oh yeah and i'd like to be as stealth as possible (no grow tent) preferably.
Ruth The Brv.


Well-Known Member
thats going to be tough to keep discreet and grow 8 oz every 90 days. you will need a few good size plants. I would say do a google search on DIY grow cabs and get some ideas and see what design will work for your circumstance. Also look at craigslist for cheap furniture that you can gut out and make discrete. I picked up a nice storage cabinet for $20 and made a nice chamber with it. GL

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well if you wan tto grow that weight that quick and use a tent better sit back n save a bit. a tent that size is about 600 bucks alone. so 1500 is a bare min for that set do it right


Well-Known Member
make a Cab. if your into making things
or buy a couple grow tents to fit your needs. Veg/Bloom
Soil and Hydro have there advantages and dis-advantages
I like bubble ponics...
I would go either CFL or MH for the veg cool tube if you go with HID
I would use a HPS for the bloom 600 watt electronic ballast. cool tube
Just like with every system you have to run it. The more you run it the better
you know how to control temp and humidity, ph, tds, ect ect...
The more time you put into it the better the quality product you will have in the end.
somethings you can not skimp on, cloning products gels and solutions are one example. Your get good stuff and you will have good results.
Read as much as you can, become an expert, learn every aspect of growing.
The 8 oz. every 90 days will be easy.
IDK what the max plant limit is there, but in michigan you can only have 12 plants
I do 4 plants in veg and 8 plants in Bloom, every week one plant goes into Bloom and one comes out.
If you know what you doing you should have no problem getting 2 ounces per week.
You need plants that finish in 8 weeks, give or take a couple days.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
you dont even need clone gels. they will clone on their own. just a touch slower is all.,spoend on the room and tools. and id suggest only a digi ballast and run hps for the whole thing. works just fine and saves on multi ballast or bulbs. some will try n say it causes stretch but they need to get the light closer usulay is all. its all i use and mine dont stretch.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt even be lookin at any weights yet. get what you can get for a room and tools with what you can afford, then worry about yileds. you need to know rrom and light sizes and stuf before figuring that. its not an unrealistc amount, just putting the horse ahead of the cart kinda