Microwave Sulphur Lamps...


Well-Known Member
Ok so I wanted to post a but of a geek thread, I have been doing research on other forms of lighting that are more efficient than HpS/MH and more easily applied than CFL and LED's... This is what I came up with:

Sulfur lamp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thats the basic premiss of how it works, using a magnetron to hit a glass bulb with microwaves that cause it to become a plasma (with some sulphur) and give out incredible light! The problem was always heat and the fact that the bulb needed to be spun to keep the light even and cool. Well two companies have taken up the challenge of perfecting this type of lighting, although really LG just bought out Nurturlight and improved the product:

nltes UK - Home

Sure LED's are the future but what about now? These are twice as bright as the sun and are available now! Just wanted to see what people think....


Active Member
Thats very interesting. I bet it generates a lot of heat though. How muc h would one of those run price wise.


Well-Known Member
the color spectrum is a bit high in green, but with a small chemical addition the red spectrum can be boosted greatly, nurturlight are the only ones that have done that not LG but you never know. It does create a good deal of heat, that has been a technical issue for years but it seems that LG has found a solution. For a small grow setup, it has issues. The heat it produces is not infrared so it's generated from air contacting the bulb directly, meaning as long at the top of the grow space has ventilation it sould be fine... now the price that Nurturlight offered them for last year was $2500 including shipping. Thats way too expensive for most people, but now that LG, a much larger manufacturer has taken it up it may have come down considerably. I will check...