and I think in a truly free market certain people would not horde the money, there would be more 'rich'(more entrepreneurship)because starting having a successful business would be much easier, these rich would actually hire more people and competition would increase, and taxes will be lower, we wouldn't need to work "8+ hours a day" because we wouldn't live check to check and we could actually save money and keep what we earn. Then we could have a strong middle class that the democrats are always raving about but actually they only damage the middle class, they really are a bunch of hypocrites, the democrats are all about giving to the rich and supporting large corporations as are the republicans.
Right now, the 20-30 something we are being hired in to jobs while they are laying off the older people or giving them early retirement, so that they can bring us in and pay us less money. They are taking advantage of the economy, not many NEW jobs are out there and there is MORE people looking for work so the result of this is borderline slavery as the cost of living increases, the cost to run a business increases, and taxes increase. If we stayed on this path then 300 years from now there will be one super corporation who we will all work for in sweat shops for rations.