Med scene a joke. If you want it right do it yourself.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,

Got locked out of my old account been on site since 05'. Need to brush up on my intel.

I'm looking to do an indoor grow on the cheap. I dont mind buying hps etc. I'm just trying to get something going in the apartment i will be renting.

I'm not to into the scene these days so any tips would be great. I'm trying to get enough supply in 90-180 days to last me a few years so i dont have to do this again. (im sick of the stores selling there schwag barrel weed).

I'm not sure on the 600watt vs 1k watt, and im not sure about my seeds. Should I go with attitude seeds? Should I get a grow tent to seal the light or should i just build a room in a room type setup w/drywall?

Cheap is best for me I love cheap.

I'm just trying to grow that fire. All the weed in these stores today has lost something. It doesnt taste flavofull and barely gets me high. Someone please help with some pointers and things to get my operation off the ground. I'm sick of dealing with these clowns and being extorted / used by the stores like a tool.

My budget is $1500 but I would be very happy to get that to around $500 because I dont want o use every last nickle incase something happens. I already have a $400 8" fan / filter combo so that saves some money off the start.

P.s. glad to be back on the site.


Well-Known Member
Hi PresObama :)

- 4x4 grow tent
- 600W
- coco ( hempy !? )

cheap, easy and works like a charm !


Well-Known Member
hola como estas @drgroove

How much are you yielding with this every 90 days?

How much does that setup run? I thought the grow tents were like way overpriced?


Well-Known Member
Bien gracias :)

I have a normal (overpriced (what's overpriced for you ?)) grow tent and a very cheap one ( am in Europe other prices here, still cheap ) : no real difference.

From clone, good genetic !, 36 plants, 1 or 2 weeks veg ( depends on stretch ) : about a pound :)

Here in Europe, and not in the cheap part you can buy a starter kit with 25 pots and everything needed ( even useless stuff ) and nutes for 800$.


Well-Known Member
i use a 600w hps in a 4x4 space and fit 9 plants although cramped in coco. 2 week veg clones, then flower for 8 weeks, then chop for about 18~ oz


Well-Known Member
god 800 bucks just seems like so much money. Thats the prices im seeing too. It just seems so pricey when a light is like 250$ some bag pots are <50 and some soil from the home de-pot = like $20-100. Am i missing something or why does a simple tent cost 800$?

oh i forgot ferts too thats what like another 1-200? maybe im missing something but thats why im asking questions! :D


Well-Known Member
also all the tree im seeing in the stores these days its like not real weed. When i twist a joint it usually burns likea blackish and also is very harsh and flavorless. Is this due to to much ferts and not being flush? Bad strain etc? I just wanna make sure when I get my op up and running I dont get this fake weed this lame stores are pushing


Well-Known Member
also all the tree im seeing in the stores these days its like not real weed. When i twist a joint it usually burns likea blackish and also is very harsh and flavorless. Is this due to to much ferts and not being flush? Bad strain etc? I just wanna make sure when I get my op up and running I dont get this fake weed this lame stores are pushing
Just make sure you cure it good.

For cheap options:

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
also all the tree im seeing in the stores these days its like not real weed. When i twist a joint it usually burns likea blackish and also is very harsh and flavorless. Is this due to to much ferts and not being flush? Bad strain etc? I just wanna make sure when I get my op up and running I dont get this fake weed this lame stores are pushing
Yes that is due to improperly flushed synthetic nutrients. Personally nothing I can get off the street or in a medical dispensary is as good as what I harvest from my organic garden which uses no chemical ferts. Do yourself a favor: I found the best and cheapest way to grow the almighty herb is through amended soil and fertilizing with compost and organic teas. All you really need is a nonchlorinated water source or you could bubble off the chlorine from city tap water; I use dehumidifier water. You can get free worm castings from a worm farm if you start one. Earthworms basically make fertilizer from organic kitchen scraps and you can have one in an apt. Worm castings can be added to recycled soil and used again & again- it actually gets better with age. You do need to add soil amendments (ie kelp meal, crab meal, azomite, etc.) & allow time for the microbial life to "cook" and recharge the soil but time is sometimes cheaper than money. Growing organically requires more knowledge and exp than cold hard cash but you can gain this by reading about living soils in books and digesting all you can in the RIU organic section. You won't get pounds in 90 days growing organically but you will harvest some of the best tasting weed you ever smoked.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is due to improperly flushed synthetic nutrients. Personally nothing I can get off the street or in a medical dispensary is as good as what I harvest from my organic garden which uses no chemical ferts. Do yourself a favor: I found the best and cheapest way to grow the almighty herb is through amended soil and fertilizing with compost and organic teas. All you really need is a nonchlorinated water source or you could bubble off the chlorine from city tap water; I use dehumidifier water. You can get free worm castings from a worm farm if you start one. Earthworms basically make fertilizer from organic kitchen scraps and you can have one in an apt. Worm castings can be added to recycled soil and used again & again- it actually gets better with age. You do need to add soil amendments (ie kelp meal, crab meal, azomite, etc.) & allow time for the microbial life to "cook" and recharge the soil but time is sometimes cheaper than money. Growing organically requires more knowledge and exp than cold hard cash but you can gain this by reading about living soils in books and digesting all you can in the RIU organic section. You won't get pounds in 90 days growing organically but you will harvest some of the best tasting weed you ever smoked.
hell to the yea rich. Thats what its all about right? forget the thc content etc its all about that clean fresh tasting flavorful quality schmoke! I will be reading up today :)

also can these things be setup with a new garden or do i have to wait a while for them to mature? For example if i just started a new garden and i have to wait for these things to mature wouldnt it be useless on my first go round? If so is there a way to buy these organic compound and just have them drop shipped to my casa

also diggin the profile pic


Well-Known Member
god 800 bucks just seems like so much money. Thats the prices im seeing too. It just seems so pricey when a light is like 250$ some bag pots are <50 and some soil from the home de-pot = like $20-100. Am i missing something or why does a simple tent cost 800$?

oh i forgot ferts too thats what like another 1-200? maybe im missing something but thats why im asking questions! :D
as mentioned : everything needed ( even useless stuff ) and nutes :

tent, ballast, veg and grow lamp, reflector, support, timer, ventilator, cables, carbon filter, hygrometer, extractor, ducts, ...

also mentioned : expensive part of the world here.

So I'm sure you can start with the 500$ you mentioned :)

You have 1500$ !? start 3 boxes, sure at least one will finish !

Have a nice day !


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,

Got locked out of my old account been on site since 05'. Need to brush up on my intel.

I'm looking to do an indoor grow on the cheap. I dont mind buying hps etc. I'm just trying to get something going in the apartment i will be renting.

I'm not to into the scene these days so any tips would be great. I'm trying to get enough supply in 90-180 days to last me a few years so i dont have to do this again. (im sick of the stores selling there schwag barrel weed).

I'm not sure on the 600watt vs 1k watt, and im not sure about my seeds. Should I go with attitude seeds? Should I get a grow tent to seal the light or should i just build a room in a room type setup w/drywall?

Cheap is best for me I love cheap.

I'm just trying to grow that fire. All the weed in these stores today has lost something. It doesnt taste flavofull and barely gets me high. Someone please help with some pointers and things to get my operation off the ground. I'm sick of dealing with these clowns and being extorted / used by the stores like a tool.

My budget is $1500 but I would be very happy to get that to around $500 because I dont want o use every last nickle incase something happens. I already have a $400 8" fan / filter combo so that saves some money off the start.

P.s. glad to be back on the site.
Do you live in the US? If so, is the best bet for seeds. Reasonably priced, and no international shipments that could be nabbed by customs.

Good luck!

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
hell to the yea rich. Thats what its all about right? forget the thc content etc its all about that clean fresh tasting flavorful quality schmoke! I will be reading up today :)

also can these things be setup with a new garden or do i have to wait a while for them to mature? For example if i just started a new garden and i have to wait for these things to mature wouldnt it be useless on my first go round? If so is there a way to buy these organic compound and just have them drop shipped to my casa

also diggin the profile pic
Yeah well obviously first you need lights, a tent, seeds, etc. Then start off with a few bags of ocean forest soil or equivalent & just add CLEAN water for the first month or so. In the meantime you need ti startt a worm farm or at least a supply of worm castings to begin to amend your soil with. Much of the other dry amendments you'll need can be bought a little at a time. Dry amendments last a real long time on a shelf which is why they are best purchased in bulk.
You don't need to mature anything first but you'll find your soil will get even better after a few runs of recycling. Fresh ocean forest soil works fine by itself and it is even better when you give an organic tea every couple weeks- you need a supply of worm castings & other amendments like blood meal to use as a top dressing to get your plants through flowering but you can get by on just worm castings for awhile- it contains most of what your plants need already & your soil does the rest provided you give your plants non chlorinated water- that's real important. Then just recycle your root balls after the harvest by breaking them up in a tub for a few weeks at which point you add in your amendments which recharges the soil for another cycle. Here's a list of some of what I add bout a handful each of:
Worm castings
Oyster flour
Soft rock phosphate
Humic acid
Alfalfa meal
Seabird guano
Blood meal
Fish bone meal
Garden gypsum
Dolomite lime
Feather meal
Other options.....(composted chicken or cow manure?)
There are too many things you can use for fertilizer to list here but you get the idea. You can add in whatever you want or as much or as little as you want in organics it's all up to you.
Just mix it all up with a shovel & wet it down with clean water- will be ready to use when a soil ph meter reads 6.5 or higher. Or just wait a full month+ & you'll never hafta bother worrying about ph in organic soil grows.

As long as you give the plants all they need in their containers you'll get potent buds that bring out the full genetic profile of your strains without showing deficiencies. Nothing that comes from a bottle can make weed better or stronger but I recommend using some general organics brand liquid cal mag. It's kinda hard to provide soluble cal/mag using dry amendments because it needs to be hydrated for uptake.

The thing about growing organic is you'll need to do your homework. Start by reading up on organic growing. True living Organics by The Rev was very helpful to me but there are many others. I get a lot of my stuff from a site called kelp for less but you can find pretty much everything you need online. Also the organic section contains a wealth of great info.


Well-Known Member
hey the problem is i cant startup worm farm until grow starts because i am getting a place just for this since the med / rec scene is so unreliable. so i will be starting from scratch and only have my 2 weeks veg time to get my affairs as far as organics are concerned in order. I will read the organics section in the meantime thank you for all your help though


Well-Known Member
The more I get into this, the more I discover that really good gear can be had for cheap, if you know where to look...

Craigslist is great for a start, but the best gold mines are online, hardware stores and home depot.

Thousand watt magnetic ballast, cheap! 860W CDM lamp for about a Franklin. Lasts for years, produces some of the best spectrum in HID, who knew? Okay, you have to run it on that mag and it needs to operate vertically- but that just means you can run vert bare bulb and skip the cost of a reflector!

Use a nice box fan to blow upwards through the middle of your donut and grow plants around the outside. This ventilates and circulates air nicely.

Screw air conditioning. Just pull hot air out from above the lamp, near the ceiling. Use of a carbon filter is up to you, depending on your situation. One 860W CDM won't cook the whole room. I hate tents but if you need containment they can suffice. I like metal duct tape, foil covered foam insulation board and one by two slats for semi permanent installations because it's cheap, insulates well, it's light proof, easy to install... and cheap.

Never buy a fucking thing from a hydro store. Nurseries have been selling gardening gear for generations and there isn't anything your plants need that you can't find in one. ESPECIALLY nutes! I know it's tantamount to heresy here on RIU, but Miracle Grow actually works as well for growing weed as it does for growing tomatoes. And, it's cheap!

You want a few thousand more tips on how to get the best for cheap, just hit me up.