May have made some mistakes near harvest.


Hello, this is my first time trying to grow my medicine and I just want to make sure I am doing this right.

First off I am growing outdoors and it is nearing the end of the season here, my plants are turning purple but I hear this is just from the cold. I was ready to harvest and was informed by my friend that I should spray insecticide the day before to neutralize any insect or spider mites. This is where my first mistake occurred. I used a brand called Diazinon Ultra, usually this is a diluted water substance but I just misted it from a far distance onto the leaves without any dilution. Mistake one. Mistake two may be the brand itself. After looking up info on it I saw some other growers saying do not let it near your plants even tho on the label it says that it can be used for vegetables. I immediately flushed the leaves off with a lot of water about a minute after I sprayed it on. Was this too late to stop any harmful effects.

Another thing was I was planning to harvest tomorrow or possibly the day after and I added some light nutrients to the soil. Nothing major just a tomato plant food solution. Do I now need to wait about a week to harvest.

More so my concerns are just if I ruined the quality of smoke and taste by adding nutes before harvest, and if using that brand of insecticide will be harmful to my health if I used it a few days before harvest.

Thank you for the help.


Active Member
I cant really say about the bug spray but as far as the nutes if you have time give them a good amount of water and as many days as you can afford. also watch your buds for bud mold since you sprayed them off.