Maturing very strangely?


Ok, intermediate grower here. To be more precise, I've grown for several years but this is the first time I've had this problem...

I was out working on the plants one night and it was getting a bit late so I turned the switch on the timer to "ON" instead of "auto" so I could work a bit later. I forgot to turn it off and so my plants went through an entire night and day cycle before seeing the dark again. Did I mention I was 4 weeks into flower on a plant that takes 11 weeks?!? FUCK!

Anyways, here we are 9 weeks later and the bottom half of the plant is ready to harvest while the top is still swelling in most areas with the odd new bud growth, but all white pistils, while the bottom is all red/orange. The trichomes on the bottom are white and amber, I'd say about 10% clear 75% white 15% amber... while on the top they are almost completely 50/50 clear/white.

Now what the hell am I supposed to do? Harvest the bottom and hope the top doesn't throw out nana's? I know the plant is super stable because I have cloned it out for that purpose. I've had this plant through everything but this is obviously a bit of a weird issue... not sure if I would ever want to harvest the bottom before the top, usually it's the other way around if at all.

Anyways thanks for reading, hopefully someone can provide some insight into what to do with my issue.

Edit: This happened not just to one plant but 8, but they are all clones of the same plant I've grown a few times.
well it seems you're gonna lose a lot of yield if you don't do a separate harvest if your trichomes are already turning amber on the bottom. I would go for it. hell, it could be one of your best harvests if those new buds mature just fine


Just harvest the bottom. Some strains ripen weird like that on there own, but you've said you've had this for a while, so it being the strain is not the case. What I would assume happened, is that you made your plant think that long days of summer were here and that it needed to hurry the hell up and finish flowering before it was too late. Your plant kicked into overdrive for a day or so, but was only able to hit the bottom or your plant.

I say harvest the bottom. Just keep watch for pollen sacks. Then if you see some... rip those suckers out before they have a chance to release. Some of the best weed I've ever grown (true 1 hitter quitter type), came from a stressed out plant that turned hermie the second half of its flowering stage. They say a little stress can increase potency. Not sure how true that is, but that plant was some seriously potent smoke. 2-3 times more potent then the strongest stuff I've ever smoked. Two hits made you unable to walk.


well it seems you're gonna lose a lot of yield if you don't do a separate harvest if your trichomes are already turning amber on the bottom. I would go for it. hell, it could be one of your best harvests if those new buds mature just fine
Yeah it's just literally the top. When it happened the plant shot off 5 or 6 new tops and that's the part of the plant that is now not finished. The bottom part seems to be pretty much done, no new growth, looks just like previous plants at harvest time. I've just never had this issue so I figured I'd run it by the forum first and make sure. It would really be a shame to ruin the harvest now. By the way, the stain is BC Mango and I picked out the longest finisher because it's high is absolutely WORLD shattering.