Mass's Winter Grow


Active Member
Figured I'd show a couple pics of my indoor winter grow. This is my 2nd round this year.. first round was 1 auto of pineapple that only yielded an oz. So decided to grow my max allowed plants (6 total). Hoping for no less than 6 oz. this time around.
It's still a low budget grow space. The tent is way too small for 6 plants, not too mention the light is too small. Using a 4 bulb T5HO fixture..
I know low budget = low yield.. but many of you would agree that low yield is better than no yield. So I'll take what I can get.

My 3 smallest plants. From left to right: Blueberry, Blue Sage, Blue Sage


my largest is Casey Jones with it's crazy arms

blue sage

Macros coming soon of the OG kush and Blue Cheese.

I know they're scraggly and lacking good light, so be gentle with the criticisms.


Active Member
huh.. I didn't think they looked THAT bad. Not a single comment?!?!?
What a waste of time..


Active Member
Don't stress on not getting any feedback dude im starting to think this isn't the greatest mmj forum . I had to repost my grow thread 2 times just to get 2 comments back. Looks like your doing just fine! Keep the pic's rolling im interested to see what the harvest is gonna look like


Well-Known Member
I like the macro photos - I would smoke it!
As you pointed out, you may need more light. Some of the plants do look a bit sparse, with evidence of stretch.
How close is your light? Ever thought about SOG/ScrOG? With limited light, you need to maximize what light you have. Consider keeping the light lose to the plants, and working to have an even canopy.
What spectrum are your T5 lamps? You may benefit from adding some CFLs with a bloom spectrum.


Well-Known Member
looking good man! just remember that you're growing for yourself, who cares what anyone thinks? if you're only using a t5, y not put it vertically? that way your buds are all equally close to the lights, better yield


Active Member
looking good man! just remember that you're growing for yourself, who cares what anyone thinks?
if you're only using a t5, y not put it vertically?
good point.. but I'd be destined to stay a noob forever if I don't get any feedback on these forums. So I'm forced to care "just a little" what people think. lol
I decided against the vertical hang just due to wanting majority of the light over the main colas of each plant. Since those are always the largest portions to harvest for me, and I plan on revegging the remaining lower portions.
This indoor ghetto grow of mine is only temporary winter jazz. I have an outdoor GH and a nice secluded yard I plan to move these kids to come spring. I will be keeping just one indoors, 3 others in the GH, and the remaining 2 will go in the yard. Want to experiment and see which plants do best and where.

How close is your light?
Ever thought about SOG/ScrOG?
What spectrum are your T5 lamps?
The lights are as close to the plants as they can get. I even had to tie down all of the plants because they were growing up against the lights and getting burnt.
Never heard of SOG/ScrOG. I'm still quite noobish..
All I have is blue spectrum. If/when I have the money to spare, I plan to pick up some red spectrum bulbs. Then just switch them over from blue/veg to red/flower when need be.


Well-Known Member
the buds do look good, but they lack light try to get a 400watt off amazon for like 130, but its a good fourm just post pics and put in the title (PICS) ppl wanna see the shit


Active Member
so got rid of the cramped ass grow tent and finally finished the secret room for the cannabis. I can kind of smell it when I take a shower, but other than that you'd never even know it was in the house.
Tile floors, 8 bulbs total (plus 8 more on the way), large industrial fans, 40% humidity and 78*F year round. Should be a nice improvement..



Well-Known Member
plants do look better in the newer spot, lots more light shining on plants an this looks good for the color of lighting your using. honestly man it does but when ever you do get your flowers in red light 2100k-2700k you will be noticing a big difference in bud size/density. overall your blueberry loooks killer!
Looking great man considering what you're providing them light wise. Why not just add in some CFL's too? Cheap and efficient way to better what you're doing...looking at like $20-$50 at the depot depending on how you go...just my view. Good Job though!:-P


Well-Known Member
Good looking plants man, floros are floros, we all gotta start some where, and you already know light is something you need.

Scrogis a a term used for putting a screne over you garden to spread the plants out lower, and produce a even canopy so instead of having one large cola and some small stuff, you'd have a bunch of medium size colas. Its a fantastic way to maximize space, and light useage when they are limited. It also would let you run just 1-2 plants and still use all the possible space/light that you can. Do a search for scrog, there are tons of people doing them with great results.