Male or Female!!!!???


Well-Known Member
Looking at the first picture, could be signs of an early flower but you won't be able to tell until you see either the little white pistils (hairs) coming out or you see the bunches of seeds (nuts). Give it a little more time and keep an eye on it. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
about 2-3 weeks into flowering... how long does it take a regular mj plant, thats getting about 10 hours of sunlight a day, to flower?


Well-Known Member
so are they outdoors, or are you bringin them in a night? they need 12 hours of light


Well-Known Member
well i did a little more research. the picture to the left looks like a calyx which is what the hairs come out from. if it were male it would like like a ball on a stick and it definatly doesn't look like that. Hopefully you get all 3 female. =)


Well-Known Member
Male plants when they start to flower look like little balls of green on a stem. after a few days more balls start to form around the same small stem and they then begin to droop. females will grow pistils (white hairs) which grow out of a green leaf looking sheath. Until either the hairs or balls are present you can not successfully tell the sex of the plant, unless you can a clone and force it to flower early just to tell the sex.