Male or Female? Can we tell YET?


Well-Known Member
Nice, I'm just getting started for the first time and I think I'm too eager lol. It's all I have thought about for the past 48 hours, how to effectively grow a plant inside my apartment haha. I'm from the maritimes and around here, 10$ a gram is almost unheard of, unless the guy is a total dickhead. 55 a quarter is pretty much the standard in these parts, of course friends can always top that though :D
People where im from get 100 usd for a quarter of top grade hydro, ive even heard of people getting 60 an 8th, I dont pay that though, I have a network of other grower friends we help each other out when we dry.


Well-Known Member
People where im from get 100 usd for a quarter of top grade hydro, ive even heard of people getting 60 an 8th, I dont pay that though, I have a network of other grower friends we help each other out when we dry.
Yeah guys; sorry to bring the bearer of bad news; I checked my other plant and it had testicles hanging from it too. I started with 5, 3 died, 2 lived both males. Man, this season sucked for me. But last year I ordered some feminine white widow seeds that i'm about to plant outside my house. I'll keep you guys updated on how that goes. Thanks for your support. RollItUp ppl