male any good or not?


Active Member
Hey folks, excusie my nievity but I have never grown hydro before and I am perplexed. I have a plant I am growing in an Airogarden, which is probably not the best but very discrete. I have attached a couple of pictures of the growth, I have grown in soil quite successfully a few times before but have never encountered a male.... count me lucky I suppose, or maybe not.... After 4 weeks of growing in the unit I was very unimpressed until I realised the plant needs more than just water and oxygen. stupid mistake... so I purchased FloraGro, FloraMicro and FloraBloom, after two weeks of mixing and administering as per the label with the first two nutes I have been amazed at the growth but the plant looks to be definately male. After the first 4 weeks of no nutes and sloooooow growth (obviously) the plant turned a very bright distressed purple on the edges of the leaves, now it is a very deep green looks healty, it would be disheartening for me to rip it out now if I knew that it had a use other than a pollenator (as I dont have a grwoing female) if I could get a buzz from him I would be very happy, I would really appreciate anything that can be suggested from the forum as a first time hydro novice

Thank you all in advance, and yes I need to prune this plant but dont want to do anything until I get a litte inside info from someone with a whole lot more experience, appreciated!




Active Member
I forgot to add this is le fruit defendu which is a nice small growing indescrete plant with 16-20% THC level, a female would have been nice :)


Active Member
Really, I will do some reasearch, it would really dissapoint me to have to just dicth it as it has been my "pet" for lack of a better word for the last few weeks.... I am loving the smell, its some stinky plant at the moment, I suppose its becuase its getting ready to spawn

Thank you very much for your help, it is much appreciated! happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
every day you enjoy the smells is one day less in starting new plants. id mulch him and get goin on a female. my2cents


Active Member
I have a question and things i have been hearing! Does the male bud by itself? Or does it need the female to bud? Oh and if the male pollenates the female it will produce seeds? Can some one help me out on this!


Elite Rolling Society
I have a question and things i have been hearing! Does the male bud by itself? Or does it need the female to bud? Oh and if the male pollenates the female it will produce seeds? Can some one help me out on this!
A male makes male flowers, FIRST, then the female makes females flowers.
Then the male cums and shoots off pollen on the female's flower, and they make seeds.